Thursday, September 21, 2023

Fwd: The Power of One, Mr. Steven Neuwirth A"H

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From: Rabbi Moshe Schwed <>
Date: Thu, Sep 21, 2023, 3:55 PM
Subject: The Power of One, Mr. Steven Neuwirth A"H
To: <>

All Torah
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The Power Of One -  Mr. Stephen Neuwith AH: All Daf Visionary Founder and Supporter

The Power Of One - Mr. Stephen Neuwith A"H: All Daf Visionary Founder and Supporter


Everyone knows how popular All Daf is.

Many people know that it launched in January 2020.
Almost no one knows that there was an anonymous donor behind the app.


That man was Stephen Neuwirth a"h.

Steve was an unusual man. A great man.
One of America's most prominent antitrust lawyers, Steve was a member of President Bill
Clinton's legal team and was retained by the U.S. Department of Justice to assist in the
litigation against Microsoft Corporation. Steve was also recognized as an antitrust
"Trailblazer," and as a "Titan of the Plaintiffs' Bar."


However, Steve had another side.

Despite starting his journey in Torah at a later stage in life, Steve was a ben Torah.
He loved to learn.
And so wherever, whenever, and however he could, he learned.

And he grew in his learning, including a two-hour chavrusa of in-depth study every morning,
Steve a"h, Shalom ben Peretz, tragically passed away almost 10 months ago at the age of
60, following a short, severe illness.

On the final Yom Kippur before his passing, Steve gave a speech, thanking all the people
who formed a minyan for him at home.
In the speech, Steve reiterated his favorite message: Gam zu l'Tovah, this too is for the


He spoke of his gratitude to Hashem for all the good in his life. And he spoke of the
the greatness that all Jews inherently possess.
The speech is an inspiration to all who see it — and on this Erev Yom Kippur, we wanted to
share it with our All Daf community.


Wishing you a Gemar Chasima Tovah!

Rabbi Moshe Schwed

Director, All Torah

P.S. As a tribute, a thank you, and a zechus  for Steve's neshama, we are arranging a siyum hashas for his first yahrtzeit, with all participants learning one daf of gemara. Details will
follow after the chagim.


Read Steve's Yom Kipur Remarks
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