Thursday, September 28, 2023

Fwd: Rabbi Moshe Revah Named New HTC Rosh HaYeshiva

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Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2023, 6:21 PM
Subject: Rabbi Moshe Revah Named New HTC Rosh HaYeshiva
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Hebrew Theological College-Beis HaMidrash LaTorah and Touro University are proud to announce that Rabbi Moshe Revah has been appointed Rosh HaYeshiva of HTC-Beis HaMidrash LaTorah, filling the position which came open after the retirement of Rabbi Avraham Friedman in 2021.

The hire of Rabbi Revah, a Rosh Yeshiva at HTC since 2018 and HTC Rosh Kollel since 2021, represents the culmination of a nearly two-year search. His hire became official after approval by the HTC Board of Governors and Dr. Alan Kadish, President of Touro University.

"Rabbi Revah is a true gem right here in our own backyard," said Rabbi Shabsai Wolfe, outgoing co-chair of the HTC Board of Governors and a member of the search committee. "He is a talmid chacham of the highest order, and has brought an energy and enthusiasm that has invigorated our Beis Midrash. Our Kollel is thriving under his leadership, and we are confident he will have the same impact across our entire institution."

Originally from Toronto, Rabbi Revah learned in Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic, NJ, under Rabbi Meir Stern for three years, and then in Yeshivas Brisk in Eretz Yisrael under R' Avraham Yehoshua Soloveitchik for two years, followed by one year in Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ. He spent six years in Kollel in Eretz Yisrael learning under Rav Yaakov Hillel, and then returned to America, joining the Chicago Community Kollel for six years before coming to HTC in 2018.

"Rabbi Revah is the right leader to help the Yeshiva chart its course into our second century," said HTC CEO Rabbi Shmuel Schuman, who also served on the search committee. "His fire for learning is matched by his energy with students, chavrei Kollel, and members of the community, and he presents an exciting vision to help the Yeshiva grow among the leaders of Torah locally and nationally. He also recognizes HTC's iconic history and where we fit within the current landscape of Chicago and American yeshivos."

In addition to Rabbi Wolfe and Rabbi Schuman, the search committee included Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beis Din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council; Rabbi Moshe Krupka, Touro University Executive Vice President; Rabbi Yonasan Sacks, Rosh HaYeshiva of Touro's Lander College for Men; and Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of the Orthodox Union and a Touro Trustee.

"Rabbi Revah is a wonderful choice to be the new Rosh HaYeshiva of HTC," said Rabbi Reiss. "He is a warm and considerate person who cares deeply about each of his talmidim and their needs. He is also an eminent talmid chacham who will serve as a beacon of Torah for the Yeshiva."

Even prior to assuming the role of Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Revah has already made an impact on various areas he will continue to expand on in his new role. Under his leadership, HTC's Kollel, which brought ten young families to HTC's campus in 2021, has reinvigorated the HTC Beis Midrash. He recently introduced Fasman Yeshiva High School to the "VeHaarev Na" program, and accompanied FYHS seniors on a full-day seminar for the program in New York.

"I am extremely excited and humbled by the opportunity to, besiyata d'shmaya, serve Klal Yisrael in this role of Rosh HaYeshiva," said Rabbi Revah. "Baruch Hashem, with incredibly talented and dedicated rabbeim, and a framework set up to help our talmidim evolve into successful ovdei Hashem in all aspects of their lives, the Yeshiva is positioned to help every member of the Yeshiva community across our high school, colleges, and Kollel thrive and achieve their full potential. With Hashem's help, we will bring the Yeshiva into our second century triumphantly carrying the banner of Torah and Klal Yisrael's future leaders.

"One of my primary goals is that each of our students should emerge from our Yeshiva confident in their abilities to learn and to present a sugya of Gemara," continued Rabbi Revah, who said he intends to foster a personal relationship with each student. "To do that effectively takes lots of personal attention—but that effort pays off in our students' development."

Rabbi Revah received his Semicha from Rabbi Dovid Zucker of the Chicago Community Kollel, and Kabbalos in Niddah and Ribbis from Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz and Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. He also comes with warm letters of approbation from Rabbi Yaakov Hillel and Rabbi Aryeh Goldberg, on becoming a leader in a community.

A popular maggid shiur and speaker both inside and outside of the HTC Beis Midrash, Rabbi Revah delivered a daily Daf Yomi shiur for 10 years, along with various Gemara and Halacha shiurim in other forums. He has also been a frequent contributor to Halacha Encounters, a weekly publication of the Chicago Community Kollel, and has authored three popular sefarim. Since 2017, Rabbi Revah has also served the rabbi of Ohel Tefillah in West Rogers Park.

"Tamar and I are proud to see Rabbi Revah become our next Rosh HaYeshiva," said Rosh HaYeshiva Emeritus Rabbi Avraham Friedman. "He's a big talmid chacham, his talmidim love him, and he brought a real warmth to our Beis Midrash, all of which will just grow as he leads our Yeshiva."


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