Thursday, September 28, 2023

Fwd: Rain on Sukkot; What Does OUDE Mean?; Carrying on Yom Tov

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2023, 7:53 PM
Subject: Rain on Sukkot; What Does OUDE Mean?; Carrying on Yom Tov
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Joy is... An Open Roof, An Open Door, An Open Heart
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September 30 – October 1, 2023 / 15-16 Tishrei 5784


Sukkot begins Friday night, September 29, and is celebrated through Friday, October 6. Hoshana Rabbah is celebrated on the last day of Sukkot.


Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah begins Friday night, October 6, and is celebrated through Sunday, October 8.

featured icon FEATURED
OU's Executive Fellowship Addresses Jewish Leadership Pipeline Shortage
OU's Executive Fellowship Addresses Jewish Leadership Pipeline Shortage
Orthodox Union

The Executive Fellowship program nurtures talented early-career professionals committed to long-term Jewish community activism.

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OU Applauds Acceptance of Israel Into the U.S. Visa Waiver Program
OU Applauds Acceptance of Israel Into the U.S. Visa Waiver Program

The OU applauds the Biden Administration's announcement admitting Israel into the U.S. Visa Waiver program.

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What Should I Do If It Rains on Sukkot?
OU Kosher
What Should I Do If It Rains on Sukkot?

OU Kosher COO Rabbi Moshe Elefant discusses the halachot related to rain and eating in the sukkah.

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A New School Year, a New Approach to Tuition Affordability
Teach NYS
A New School Year, a New Approach to Tuition Affordability

This school year, children from across Queens, Brooklyn, and Long Island have left public school and instead are attending a New York Jewish day school—many for the first time. Families from across the state and elsewhere have moved to Rochester specifically to attend Jewish day school. There is a reason for the sudden influx.

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Funding the NSGP Program
Nathan J. Diament
Funding the NSGP Program

OU Advocacy Executive Director Nathan Diament wrote an op-ed in The Forward about the importance of fully funding the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which provides crucial security funding for shuls and schools.

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What's the Truth About the Arba Minim?
Jewish Action
What's the Truth About the Arba Minim?

How are you really supposed to hold the arba minim?

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5 Creative Ways to Make Sukkot Memorable for Kids
5 Creative Ways to Make Sukkot Memorable for Kids

Learn what MIP is and how to bring it to your Sukkot, with practical ways to make Sukkot and tefillah exciting for your children of all ages with Sari Kopitnikoff, the creator of That Jewish Moment.

Listen Now
ou icon TORAH


Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon and Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Coming Soon! לקדשו: Learning Shabbos, Living Shabbos

Get ready for a new feature from Shabbat Shalom and OU Torah, sharing easy-to-use and impactful resources designed to enhance your knowledge and appreciation of Hilchos Shabbos! Featuring printable materials from Rav Rimon, Ten-Minute Halacha audios from Rav Lebowitz, and more. Starts the week of parshas Bereishis!

Everyone Can Be Here
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Everyone Can Be Here

When Hillel the Elder would celebrate the Simchas Bais HaShoeiva, he would say: "If I am here, everyone is here; if I am not here, who is here?"

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First Day Sukkot: Unifying the Divine – Hashem's Timeless Name
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
First Day Sukkot: Unifying the Divine – Hashem's Timeless Name

During challenging times, people may find themselves asking where God's presence is.

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The Secret of the Etrog
Rabbi Menachem Genack
The Secret of the Etrog

According to one view, the etrog was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. But what does that convey about its meaning on Sukkot?

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The Starry Night
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The Starry Night

We need Torah more than ever before. We need a religion which does not change with the times, but which offers the permanence and stability we crave.

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All About Hoshanos
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All About Hoshanos

What are Hoshanos? Why do we say them? And why does their order change based on when Succos starts?

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Joy Is... An Open Roof, An Open Door, An Open Heart
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
Joy Is... An Open Roof, An Open Door, An Open Heart

"When I sit in a Sukkah I think to myself: that is how our ancestors lived. Not just in the desert in the days of Moses, but for most of the twenty centuries of exile."

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From Fear to Festivities
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
From Fear to Festivities

During this recent time, none of us escaped a sense of insecurity. Recognizing that these days are days of divine judgment, we could not help but wonder as to how we were being judged.

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For What Was Moshe Given a Yasher Koach?
Rabbi Yitzy Fox
For What Was Moshe Given a "Yasher Koach"?

Have fun and learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions!

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Rain and a Glass Door
Halacha Yomis
Rain and a Glass Door

I have a sukkah on my porch with a glass door that faces my dining room. Right after I made Kiddush, it began to rain. If I eat my meal in the dining room, must I make Kiddush again?

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We're answering this commonly asked question: What does OUDE mean?
OU Kosher
We're answering this commonly asked question: What does OUDE mean?
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Are you allowed to carry things on Yom Tov?
Orthodox Union
Are you allowed to carry things on Yom Tov?
Watch on Instagram
ou icon FOOD
Kosher Washes for Food-Grade Bulk Transport

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