Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Fwd: Support for Single People; Teachers to Remember; Finding Hashem Through Prayer

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Aug 31, 2023, 6:58 PM
Subject: Support for Single People; Teachers to Remember; Finding Hashem Through Prayer
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Marriage Advice from Matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom
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September 1-2, 2023 / 16 Elul 5783


Isaiah 60:1-22

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How Can We Better Support Single People in Our Community?
How Can We Better Support Single People in Our Community?
Center for Communal Research

Many single Orthodox American men and women feel alienated from the broader Jewish community, which may treat them as inferior because of their marital status. Learn about how a traveling panel will focus on ways the Orthodox community and its members can enhance the lives of single men and women.

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Join the Roundtable Discussions at These Locations
B'himatzo: Finding Hashem Through Prayer
Orthodox Union
B'himatzo: Finding Hashem Through Prayer

Elevate your Elul and take some time to focus on tefillah with new shiurim for 5784.

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State of New York Invests $40 Million to Help Fund STEM Education for Nonpublic Schools
Teach NYS
State of New York Invests $40 Million to Help Fund STEM Education for Nonpublic Schools

Total allocations over the first seven years of the STEM teacher reimbursement program is reaching a quarter of a billion dollars.

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Marriage Advice from Matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom
Marriage Advice from Matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom

When must a couple go to therapy? Which conflicts do we show our children, and which do we not? Aleeza Ben Shalom answers these questions and more in this special guest episode of the Jews Next Dor podcast, finishing off the series on shalom bayis and parenting.

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Meet Laura Butler, New Regional Director for Yachad New England
Meet Laura Butler, New Regional Director for Yachad New England

Laura's personal connection to Yachad spans over fifteen years, demonstrating her deep-rooted involvement and commitment to the organization.

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Sangria: Food For Thought With Esty Wolbe
Women's Initiative
Sangria: Food For Thought With Esty Wolbe

In this episode of the Women's Initiative's recipe series Food for Thought, Esty Wolbe demonstrates her recipe for fruity sangria and shares a bite-sized piece of halacha.

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Teachers to Remember
Jewish Action
Teachers to Remember

With the start of school coming, these readers remember the teachers who left a lasting impression on their lives.

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Journaling Journey
Women's Initiative
Journaling Journey

Join the Women's Initiative for a 40-day journaling journey, Navigating Growth through Self-Reflection and Teshuvah. Sign up to receive daily prompts.

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  Yachad - Our Way  
Jewish Deaf Survivors of the Holocaust: A Presentation of Their Experiences
Sunday, September 3, at 10 AM EDT

Join Yachad's Our Way program for a live Zoom presentation on the experiences of Jewish deaf survivors of the Holocaust, followed by a Q&A. The event will be presented in both sign language and voice.

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  Orthodox Union  
Roundtable Events Discussing the Crisis of Experience for Single People in the Community

Join us for a series of events on this important topic in Boca Raton, FL, on September 11, in Baltimore, MD, on September 13, and via livestream on September 18.

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Planning for Fulfillment
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Planning for Fulfillment

"Let us not toil in vain." The deepest wish of each of us is that we achieve what we set out to accomplish, and therein lies our greatest satisfaction.

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Waiting for the Rabbi
Rabbi Ari Enkin
Waiting for the Rabbi

If the rabbi takes a long time to daven and everybody waits for him, is that kavod haTorah (respect for the Torah) or tircha d'tzibbura (an imposition on the congregation)? An installment from Rabbi Enkin's series Dalet Amot of Halacha!

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The Clock is Ticking
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
The Clock is Ticking

The Haftorah is punctuated with a well-known phrase describing the advent of Mashiach, "in its appointed time, I will hasten it."

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Raising the Torah
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Raising the Torah

The Ramban in our parsha gives us a deeper meaning for hagbahah, the practice of lifting up the Torah for the congregation to see.

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Selichot – The First Fruits of the New Year
Rabbi Norman Lamm ZTZ"L
Selichot – The First Fruits of the New Year

Why did both halacha and history give preference to the institution of first fruits over tithes?

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Questions About Shabbos – Part 3
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Questions About Shabbos – Part 3

In this final installment of real-life Shabbos questions, Rabbi Jack addresses whether creating the world was God's "job," plus cosplay on Shabbos, whiskey for kiddush, and the Shabbos domain known as makom patur!

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We Are What We Remember
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
We Are What We Remember

One reason religion has survived in the modern world is because it answers three questions that every reflective human being asks at some time in life: Who am I? Why am I here? How shall I live?

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Walls Have Ears
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Walls Have Ears

We all act differently when we are alone, or with a few close intimates, than we act when we are out in public, among others.

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Moshe Rabbeinu's Mission Statement
Mrs. Leah Feinberg
Moshe Rabbeinu's Mission Statement

Discover Moshe Rabbeinu's mission statement for the Jewish people.

Listen Now
Which Tribe Was Neither Cursed nor Blessed by Moshe?

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