Friday, September 1, 2023

Fwd: Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim: It’s Origins and Legacy

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2023, 10:51 AM
Subject: Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim: It's Origins and Legacy
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15 Elul, 5783 — September 1, 2023
Year of Hakhel

Did you ever attend Tomchei Temimim as a student? How does being a student equate to being a soldier of an ancient army?

Dear Chana, 
Today, Tes Vov Elul, marks the 126th year since the revolutionary establishment of Tomchei Temimim in 5657 (1897).
In celebration of this auspicious day, Sichos in English is providing a preview of three fascinating sichos connected to Tomchei Temimim from the forthcoming updated edition of Likkutei Dibburim, set to be in stores after Tishrei. These sichos expound on the Why behind the founding of this unique Yeshivah.
Sichah #1 consists of the opening talk of the Rebbe Rayatz at the 45th anniversary dinner of the yeshiva's founding, laying out a comprehensive background for the following sichah.
Sichah #2, entitled "Kol HaYotzei LeMilchemes Beis David," delves into the Rebbe Rashab's intention behind founding Tomchei Temimim, and highlights the title he bestowed upon the Temimim: "Chayolei Beis David."
Sichah #3 is a newly-discovered addition to the talk of the Rebbe Rayatz at the dinner. Comprising his closing remarks on that day, it focused on the goal, namely, "to ensure that the holy light of the Torah will permeate Jewish households."
Do you want to learn how the title "Chayolei Beis David" connects to you? No need to wait until the full series' release after Tishrei. Click below to open it up and see it for yourselves with this hand-picked selection of talks centered around this special day.
May our work as Chayolei Beis David give rise to the ultimate victory with the coming of Mashiach Tzidkeinu now!

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