Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] All we need is Hashem

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 12:39 AM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] All we need is Hashem
From: Divrei Chizuk <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 09:05:11 PM CDT
Subject: All we need is Hashem


We have only HASHEM.

Now is the time to increase our tfilot, tehillim,

learning, chesed, tzedaka, teshuva.

Things to do during these difficult times.

1. Pray - either on your own or with the community. There are lists of names of individuals to daven for, as well as for the situation in general. Often your own heartfelt words are most meaningful outside of saying Tehillim which of course always helps. (Psalms 20, 83, 121, 130 and 142 are recommended).

There are many great seforim to help one improve their tfilah

to get close to Hashem. Here are a few-

A. Praise my Soul-Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l 

B. Gates of Prayer- Rav Shimshon David Pinkus zt"l.

C. Praying with Fire- Rabbi Heshy Kleinman a five minute lesson a day. You can start a call in conference  to discuss and learn together, and improve in our tfilah.

Please go out and buy these seforim you can start a teleconference, what's app group learning chaburah using these seforim.

to help improve ones sincere tfilah. For Klal Yisrael.

If you want to help in any way please contact us and we can come up with a plan together, As B'H people are doing

2. Take on some kind of mitzvah (could be something you committed to over the Chagim or something new). It can be something small, but do it in the merit of the injured, the kidnapped, the families affected and of course, the heroic IDF. Some non-religious soldiers have actually asked people "to do a mitzvah for us - we cannot put on tefillin or do mitzvot as we are poised for battle". So let's respond.

3. Donate - to help our brothers and sisters affected by the tragedy. There are many places to donate to. Here are a few:

4. Learn for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes.

Have in mind Klal Yisrael our brothers and sisters in Israel

and around the world.

5. Start a campaign in your shul

"Please, Talk in Shul''...but only to Hashem

that helps one stop talking in shul and have a more meaningful tfilah with Hashem besides all the brachos it brings us

6. Help us with our campaign


As we are looking to set up contact people/coordinators in every community so that we can get the word out in a big way. Now is the time when we need chizuk and extra protection from Above. Please let us know if you are interested in helping us in your community. 

Responsibilities to include: Housing materials to be distributed in your community, setting up possible meetings/shiurim as needed, some fundraising if necessary to get more materials, etc. This is a big zechus for you—to help people in your community connect with Hashem.

or email 


Any time you would like chizuk to help you get closer to Hashem, simply text "I Need Chizuk" to 347-846-8086

Israel # 0722172308

click here to hear an amazing chizuk on -That's all I need-.

(courtesy of Rav David Ashear)

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