Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] Excellent Shiur by Rebbetzin Smiles: War in Israel - What WE can do

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Sent: Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 12:11 AM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Excellent Shiur by Rebbetzin Smiles: War in Israel - What WE can do
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Torah-Tapestries-5784-22e8f395 image

Special class from Rebbetzin Smiles:

How do we Respond to the Situation?

Parshat Breishit

Dear Naaleh members,

עֵת־צָרָה הִיא לְיַעֲקֹב וּמִמֶּנָּה יִוָּשֵׁעַ: (ירמיהו פרק ל פסוק ז)

'Es tzara hi l'Yaakov, Umimenah Yivashea'

At this time of incredible pain over the vicious attacks on Eretz Yisrael, I join you in mourning our lost brethren, and in tefilla for the quick return of captives and the complete recovery of all those injured. May Hashem have mercy on His nation and protect Acheinu Beis Yisrael during this dangerous time.

What can WE do? 

The Torah tells us how we can personally impact the situation, and help Am Yisrael in times of tzara: Teshuva, tefilla and tzedakka, and increasing our Torah, Avoda and Gemilut Chasadim.

Please join the Naaleh community as we strengthen ourselves in these areas, as a zechut for Divine protection and yeshuos b'karov. 

Here is how YOU can help:

1. Tefilla:

The Rambam says that when hardship comes to our nation, we are required to cry out to Hashem in tefilla and teshuva.

Please join Tehillim Yachad, joining with all of Am Yisrael in saying tehillim together as a zechus for Hashem's salvation and protection.

Tehillim Yachad for Am Yisrael at War

2. Teshuva:

Please click on the link at the Tehillim Yachad site to also add a kabbala tova, a commitment to improving yourself in Torah and mitzvot.  

3. Tzedakka

Donate to these organizations, actively helping those affected by the war in Israel:

Yad Eliezer Israel at War: 

Help feed soldiers who have been called up suddenly, and have no supplies:

Yad Ezra V'Shulamit Food for soldiers  

4. Increase Torah study 

We recommend the following series on Naaleh.com:

In the Tanach category, filter by series for Tehillim by a range of Naaleh teachers

In the Machshava category, filter by series for Bitachon series by Rebbetzin Heller

In the Tefila category, filter by series for Shemoneh Esrai and Tefilla series by Naaleh teachers

You can also sign up for Soldier2Soldier, connecting Israeli soldiers who have been sent to war with people who commit to learning Torah in their zechus:

Click here for link

5. Increase Chessed

Sign up to do extra Chessed! Join Just One Chesed's ChesedMatch

6. Increase Achdut

Am Yisrael is victorious when we are united! Do your part to increase Achdut and unity among the Jewish People.

May we share besurot tovot very soon!

The Naaleh team

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