Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] More info on the worldwide Hafrashas Challa even this Thursday, and also for women not baking.....

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <chicago-aneinu@googlegroups.com>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <myysbyy@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 11:01 AM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] More info on the worldwide Hafrashas Challa even this Thursday, and also for women not baking.....
 More info on the worldwide Hafrashas Challa even this Thursday, and also for women not baking.....

 United in Challah, United in Prayer!

Double Our Power! Challah Event

Thursday, 26 October, 2023

7 pm Israel | 12 noon EST | 5 pm UK

I'm getting a literal flood of questions pouring in about our upcoming event Challah+Davenning event, so I'm going to answer them to everyone at once.

"I can't decide if I should join. What about if I can't make challah this week OR if I can't be with you at that exact time? If l will not be making any challah, therefore not doing hafrashat challah,
is there any point in my joining ?"

Answer: YES YES YES you should still join! The impact of all the tefillos and inspiration alone is already very powerful! And for the rest of your queries...keep reading...

You can still sign up here...we're over 1200 women already and counting! Be a part of it! 

Q: Am I supposed to make my dough before we start, or are we making it together?

Answer: YES! 

Please prepare your dough before logging into the event. To make this easy for you, every person who signs up receives my famous "Incredible Challah Dough" as an instant downloadable link in the first email you get from me. (Look for it when you sign up... It's titled, "You're In!" 😀)

In order to keep the event shorter, plus have time for the entire program, we are focusing exclusively on the mitzvah of hafrashas challah this time, and not on the "how to's" (which we can do a different time.)

Q: Is there a price for joining?
A: This event is FREE – so we can reach our goal of thousands of women around the globe being mafrish challah with a bracha all during one special day! Our goal is to daven to help end this war, bring down Heavenly mercy for all the captives, soldiers and everyone affected…and to pray for the Bais Hamikdosh, b'mheira v'yameinu – A'men!

Q: Is there a way to call in, instead of being on a screen?

A: YES -- when you join, you will get a Zoom link. The call in numbers should be listed right there. 

Q: I can't attend at exactly that time, especially in my time zone. Is there a recording? How else can I participate?

A: Yes! I know – when we do things globally, this is always an issue. However, in this case you will still gain tremendously by the replay which will go up as soon as possible after the event is over! So, hang in there and you can watch the recordings, gain from the chizuk and do your hafrashas challah, too at a time on Thursday that works for you.

In this way, you will still be a big part of this initiative by being mafrish challah during this incredible 12-24 hour period together with other women all over the world, no matter what time zone you are in!

When we as Jewish women unite, and use all our strength to call out to our Father in Heaven – we can be UNSTOPPABLE.

And you don't even have to go anywhere! We're going to do all this from wherever we are right now.

And HASHEM will be right there, with us.

Last Q for today…

Q: And, um, HOW is this going to work, exactly? Like, what do I need to do?

A: Thanks for asking! This event is meant to unite us all in tefillah through the added (tremendous!) merit of doing hafrashas challah!

So make your dough BEFORE getting on our Zoom event this Thursday (7pm Israel/ 12 noon EST / 5 pm UK) and just leave it in your bowl to rise.

It's best to have a dough rise while it's covered, loosely, with a large piece of plastic. I myself prefer to slide the dough into a very large bag. I'll demonstrate this to you on the screen. It's a great hack to know 😀!

Then, JOIN US! Click on the link you will be given to our Zoom event, and enjoy! There will be a schedule posted on the screen when you first enter.

We will hear very inspirational messages from the Rebbetzins I told you are joining…interspersed with challah tips and insights, and then we will do our hafrasha, each person in their own home.

And we will daven. As hard as we can. It's a full schedule jam-packed with as much insp as we can squeeze into it!

Just imagine… 💭💭💭

All those prayers going up to Heaven at the same time…and continuing throughout the next 12+ hours as more and more women log in for the replay and ALSO listen to this inspiring event…and ALSO pray….

All you have to do to be a part of this is get your dough ready in advance and then turn on your computer. That's it. Just be yourself.

💥Because every single one of your prayers are so, so important.

Thank you for being a part of this!

Keep spreading the word, ladies! Let's try to get 5,000 women doing this all during this one Thursday, Oct 26th! The possibilities are endless!

Have a great day

Tamar Ansh


 can I ask you a big favor? Will you help us? --  and spread the word – we need every woman's tefillos now, more than ever. We need as many women as possible doing hafrashas challah with us...

Even if someone can't or doesn't have time to do hafrashas challah , please, still encourage others to join. The speakers, the message, the entire evening will be SO inspirational. And every prayer matters.

👉 Just send them this linkhttps://jerusalemchallahcenter...

Thank you!

Tamar Ansh

Yerushalayim Ihr Hakodesh


May we hear of more and more nissim and good news.

May Hashem continue to protect each of us, every captive, and every single one of our soldiers, and every one of us, all over the world. 

PS. Got this as a forward from a friend? Like these kinds of inspiration? Sign up here for my email bites and you'll get all sorts of inspirational and of course, delicious small chunks right to your inbox! And share this link with your friends as well: https://atasteofchallah.com/email-challah-bytes-signup/

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A Taste of Challah

Har Nof, Jerusalem


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Have a great challah baking day! 

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