Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Fw: The Daily Thread: Live w IDF soldiers and other special guests on JM in the AM

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Sent: Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 2:21 PM
Subject: The Daily Thread: Live w IDF soldiers and other special guests on JM in the AM
The Daily Thread: Live w IDF soldiers and other special guests on JM in the AM
NSN / JM in the AM Newsletter                                                  
October 25, 2023

Today on JM in the AM:
  • Nachum hosted IDF heroes Gabi Katz, Eitan Drapkin and Yitzi Rothschild so the listeners could get their perspectives from the front line of Operation Iron Swords: Click here
  • Nachum interviewed IDF reservist and Hakotel student Mikey Nadritch about his incredibly difficult and holy work of dealing with the hundreds of bodies of our murdered brother's and sister's after the first days of the war: Click here
  • Nachum welcomed Rav Reuven Taragin, Dean of Overseas Students at Yeshivat Hakotel, to this morning's program to discuss a number of timely topics and to thank him and Hakotel for hosting NSN during our mission to Israel: Click here
  • Nachum and several Hakotel students focused on the Acheinu WorldWide Achdut Program going on now and leading into a worldwide siyum taking place on November 12/Cheshvan 28: Click here
  • Nachum was joined by Ralph Rosenbaum, Chairman of the NSN Jewish Unity Initiative 5784, both on the journey to Israel, as well as on the air during both special broadcasts, to encourage everyone to support Israel in any and every way they can during this challenging time: Click here
  • Nachum spoke with Shane Safran and Yishai Feinmesser about their efforts to help IDF soldiers including procuring ceramic bulletproof vests and more: Click here
  • Nachum interviewed Hakotel students Aryeh Levinson and Akiva Aryeh, coordinators of the "Not Going Anywhere" campaign that is providing encouragement and support for gap-year students who are staying in Israel during the war: Click here
  • Click here for the full show from Jerusalem
Tomorrow on JM in the AM:
  • Nachum Segal presents a recap of his trip to Israel, great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: (6:00 a.m. ET)  

NSN Kosher Halftime Show 2023 featuring an historic interview with Nachum Segal and Yerachmiel Begun is available for viewing. Click HERE or the image below to enjoy right now.
Thank you to our presenting sponsor The Rothenberg Law Firm, LLP.
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