Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Fw: HTC Newsletter: October Recap

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Sent: Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 6:18 PM
Subject: HTC Newsletter: October Recap

October 31, 2023


Dear Alumni and Friends,

What an incredible month of growing and learning in Yeshiva! Although our hearts are torn by the events in Eretz Yisrael, we used the news to grow closer together in achdus and inspire our tefillos and learning. Aside from physically helping with Bigdei Ysrael, we helped the war effort with everyone looking inside themselves for how they can grow as a person and as a Jew. Baruch Hashem the war is bringing out strengthened learning in Yeshiva which is awe inspiring. Our talmidim have been learning to step up and take communal responsibility, and our daily tehillim after davening remind us that we are all in this together!

We had an unforgettable time on the recent Shabbaton with R' Moshe Storch that spread a warm feeling of 'family' throughout the Yeshiva! It was truly inspirational to be part of the retzifus learning seder at night, when we as a Yeshiva collectively learned a no-talking-seder after the meal. The seder uplifted the whole evening! Baruch Hashem 5784 is off to an amazing start! 

With blessings for much continued success,

Rabbi Moshe Revah

Rosh HaYeshiva, HTC

Our Alumni in Israel

Singer Moshe Storch Thanking HTC Alumni in the IDF at HTC Melava Malka:

Singer Moshe Storch Thanking HTC Alumni in the IDF at HTC Melava Malka

Support Alumni Initiatives in Israel on our Website or Below:


Promoted by Chaim Goldberg (FYHS '11)


Promoted by Shalom Menora (FYHS '81) 


Promoted by Dr. Jonathan Donath (FYHS '98) 


Promoted by Sam Sadoff (FYHS '09)


Promoted by Rabbi Josh Kanter (FYHS '01) 

Started by Jerry Latinik (FYHS Parent and former Chicagoan) 


Promoted by Michael May (FYHS '98)


Promoted by Daniel Kutoff (FYHS '69) 


Promoted by Ely Katz (FYHS '87)


Promoted by Aaron Frolich (FYHS '02)


Promoted by Dr. Shmuel (Ricky) Zimmerman (FYHS '99)


Promoted by Yitzchak Rabinovitz (FYHS '72)

More About Alumni Initiatives

Welcoming Our New Rosh HaYeshiva

HTC was thrilled to celebrate Rabbi Moshe Revah shlit"a, new Rosh HaYeshiva of HTC, at the Hachtara on Monday evening, October 30th. Hundreds gathered in the Beis Midrash to welcome Rabbi Revah and wish him mazel, bracha, and hatzlacha in his new role. The program began with tehillim for acheinu in Eretz Yisrael led by Rabbi Binyomin Olstein, Menahel of the Hartman Women's College of Touro and Rosh Yeshiva of HTC. We then heard divrei bracha from Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beis Din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council, Rabbi Dovid Zucker, Rosh Kollel of the Chicago...


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Our Students: Past and Present

HTC is proud of our students, past and present! Take a look at this month's spotlighted student and alumnus.

Alumnus Name: Ross Gordon

Class: Class of 2001

Profession: Founder/CEO of Catch Co., a fishing gear company with a number of sub-brands.

What class do you remember enjoying most: I remember really enjoying my class with Mr. Cross. He was one of the best teachers I've ever had. He helped me find my love of creative writing and he was able to relate to the students and keep us engaged.

One memory that stands out to you: I would say what stands out is writing and filming the best Purim Shpiel in the history of Yeshiva Purim Shpiels!

Student Name: Emanuel Bereliani

Grade: 11th grade, Class of 2025

Favorite Class: In FYHS we have a wide range of classes and shiurim; if I had to pick my favorite one it would probably be Gemara. Gemara is my favorite because it opens my mind up to Jewish concepts and learning, which brings me closer to Hashem. I believe Gemara is also very important because it involves a lot of critical thinking, challenging me to try and understand what I'm dealing with.

Best memory at FYHS so far: My best memory at FYHS was probably this year's Shabbaton with Moshe Storch. Going into Shabbos I was hesitant about how it was going to compare to past Shabbatonim, but everything turned out even better. Sitting around the tables, having food, singing as part of a big kumzitz, and hearing amazing speeches truly inspired me and opened my Neshama. I also can't forget the beautiful davening and the most insane Melava Malka concert I've ever been to. I danced for almost three hours straight and had sweat pouring down my face. I really enjoyed it!

HTC News

Check out HTC's revamped Website for more exciting news, pictures, events, and more!

HTC Hosts Emergency Clothing Drive for Bigdei Yisrael

On Shemini Atzeres, October 7th, the world woke up to hear the devasting news of the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas. Since the attack, Israel called up thousands of soldiers to the front lines and thousands of families have been evacuated from Israel's south and north to seek safe ground from Hamas and Hezbollah...

Click here to read more

FHYS Hosts Shabbaton and Melava Malka with Moshe Storch

This past Shabbos, FYHS hosted an inspiring schoolwide Shabbaton. Friday night was kicked off with an uplifting kabalas Shabbos, complete with dancing and singing, led by acclaimed singer and songwriter, Moshe Storch. The boys heard divrei Torah and chizuk from our Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Revah, who put the Shabbaton in context...

Click here to read more

FYHS Students Rally in Support of Israel

FYHS talmidim and rabbeim participated in the JUF Israel Solidarity Gathering. Among other speakers, the boys heard from elected officials including Governor Pritzker and Congressman Brad Schneider.

More HTC News

Divrei Torah from Our Alumni and Rebbeim

Vayera - The Power of Chessed

By Rabbi Noam Rosen

"And God appeared to him in the plains of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance of the tent in the heat of the day." Bereshis 18:1

In the beginning of our parashah, on the third day after Avraham Avinu performed Bris Milah, HaKadosh Baruch Hu appears to him, as Rashi explains, לְבַקֵר אֶת הַחוֹלֶ...

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Vayera - Salt and Honey

By Rabbi Moshe Schecter

"And God said: 'Because the outcry of Sodom and Amora has become great, and because their sin has been very grave." Bereshis 18:20. Rashi cites the Gemara (Sanhedrin 109b) which states that the cry was that of a certain girl who had been killed by the people of Sodom and Amora because they discovered that she had given some food to a poor person. It had been a...

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Stay Tuned: The Yeshiva Network

Following a Centennial year of connecting and engaging with alumni, HTC is thrilled to launch THE YESHIVA NETWORK, a new alumni networking platform and interactive directory. In just a few months, alumni will be able to connect with classmates and network professionally with all Yeshiva alumni in our exclusive platform built to foster meaningful connections that began here at the Yeshiva. Features will include messaging options, group conversations, job boards, and professional opportunities for alumni and students. The platform is synced with today's common networking tools such as LinkedIn and other social media platforms, allowing for seamless connectivity through social and professional networks. Stay tuned for more information as we launch this incredibly exciting initiative.  

Learn More about HTC and its Divisions!

Fasman Yeshiva High School Brochure
HTC Beis Midrash and Men's College Brochure
Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro Brochure
Yeshivas HaKayitz 2024 Brochure
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