Monday, October 30, 2023

Fw: It Takes 15 Seconds- Videos For Chayalim!

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From: "Congregation KINS" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 3:40 PM
Subject: It Takes 15 Seconds- Videos For Chayalim!

Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park

Dear K.I.N.S. Community,
As part of our ongoing efforts to support and send our love to the Chayalim (soldiers) in Israel, we are compiling short video messages from our congregation. We believe that a small gesture from us can uplift their spirits and remind them that they are in our thoughts and prayers.

Here's what we need from you: 

: Your video message should be around 10-15 seconds long. Short and sweet! 

Orientation: Please hold your phone horizontally (landscape mode). This will ensure all videos have a consistent look and will display well on various platforms. 

Lighting: Ensure you are in a well-lit environment, preferably natural light. Avoid standing with a window or bright light source directly behind you. 

Sound: Make sure there's minimal background noise when you record. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. 

Content: Share your well wishes, prayers, or a simple message of gratitude. Let's uplift and inspire!  

Please send your video clips to by Thursday November 2nd.  We'll compile all the messages into a single video to be shared with our brave Chayalim.

Let's come together as a community and send our love and support to those who stand on the front lines for Israel.

Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park
2800 W. North Shore Ave • 3003 West Touhy Ave • Chicago, IL 60645

P773.761.4000 • F773.761.4959 •

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