Sunday, October 8, 2023

Fw: Our hearts and minds are on Israel

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Sent: Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 9:57 PM
Subject: Our hearts and minds are on Israel
Our hearts and minds are on Israel

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So heartbreaking. Words cannot capture what we're all feeling at a time like this.We are one people, one family, one soul. We all hurt together.

This is our time to help our brothers and sisters by praying hard for their safety. For our soldiers, civilians, all those wounded, captured and currently missing.Throughout our history, at difficult times like this, we Jews have turned to Hashem through our precious Book of Psalms (Tehillim). Below is a suggested chapter (121) as well as a short, traditional prayer we can say.

In addition, we are taught that giving extra tzedakah, charity, is a wonderful merit as well. One suggestion we have is United Hatzalah's emergency appeal to raise funds for desperately needed supplies to provide their volunteers with the equipment they need to save lives and the protective equipment to keep themselves safe. You can use this link to donate.

May Hashem hear our prayers for the safety and healing of all our brothers and sisters, and may He comfort the loved ones of all those who were killed.

Am Yisrael Chai. The Jewish People live!

We are all one family and we are never alone. We will fight evil with good.

With much love,

Moshe & Bracha, Doni & Esti and your CTN Family.

acheinu hebrew and english

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