Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Fwd: Hag Sukkot Sameah!

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From: Koren Publishers Jerusalem: Newsletter <news@korenpub.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 3, 2023, 11:15 AM
Subject: Hag Sukkot Sameah!
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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Ecclesiastes (in Hebrew, Kohelet) has long been viewed as the great existential work of the Hebrew Bible, containing the famous cry "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." As part of a search for enduring meaning, it questions the nature of work, mortality, happiness, justice, goodness, and life itself. Kohelet is awash in contradictions, careful observations, disappointments, and insights, making it one of the richest and most complex books in all of Tanakh.

This fresh and hopeful look at an ancient book synthesizes rabbinic commentary with modern scholarship, fine art, and poetry. It highlights expressions from Kohelet that have become common parlance while shedding light on its more obscure verses. Ecclesiastes and the Search for Meaning offers a comprehensive introduction to the book and includes three essays on each chapter, concluding with an epilogue on Kohelet's liturgical use on the holiday of Sukkot – for Kohelet combines the frustrations and vulnerabilities of life "under the sun" with the temporal joys that make life worthwhile. All are regarded as a "gift from God."

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Of the five megillot in the Tanakh, only Kohelet does not describe a historical event or tell a personal story. Rather, it relates life lessons, with frequent confusing or even conflicting messages. This makes it one of the most challenging biblical books to comprehend. Yet, if the Sages included it in the biblical canon, it must have a lesson for all generations. We traditionally read Kohelet every Sukkot. Can we return home, this year, with an understanding of its message?
In this groundbreaking work, David Curwin draws from traditional sources and modern scholarship to take us on an eye-opening journey through Kohelet and other books of the Tanakh. Starting with a look at the life of King Shlomo, whose successes and failures are reflected in the teachings of Kohelet, the author then presents linguistic and thematic evidence suggesting strong parallels between the life of Adam and that of Shlomo, and between the book of Kohelet and the opening chapters of Bereshit.
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