Friday, October 27, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 12 Cheshvan 5784/October 27, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 2:26 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 12 Cheshvan 5784/October 27, 2023
To: <>

October 27, 2023 - 12 Cheshvan 5784

In today's update: Get your tickets to the Siyum on Sunday! A statement from the Agudah about the New York Times' latest; a video update from Rabbi Avi Schnall; an article about school choice by Rabbi A.D. Motzen; Bnos and Pirchei newsletters (and a special offer for tickets to the Siyum from Pirchei!); and a medicare event for women in Lakewood.

Did you get this email as a forward? You can subscribe to the Agudah's updates by clicking here.

This Sunday! There are still tickets available. Reserve tickets for the Siyum - which will also include tefillah b'rov am for acheinu kol bais Yisroel - here.

See below for a special ticket offer from Pirchei.

Irresponsible Journalism Stokes the Flames of Antisemitism

Yesterday, the Agudah released the following statement:

This evening, The New York Times credited its reporting on New York State yeshivas as the impetus for this week's passage of legislation banning corporal punishment in all classrooms.

As KnowUs previously pointed out when The Times first credited itself for the bill, the bill's very sponsor, Senator Julia Salazar, publicly debunked The Times' portrayal on X/Twitter of why she introduced the bill, stating:

"To be clear: We introduced this bill because the law should *explicitly* ban corporal punishment in all schools. The use of physical or violent methods to ostensibly discipline students has happened in many schools. I haven't seen any evidence of it being a pattern in yeshivas."

See below or click here to read the rest.

Click here for a quick behind the scenes update from Rabbi Avi Schnall about some of the Agudah's activities this week.

As Texas stands at the cusp of passing legislature that would enable parents to send their children to the school that best suits their needs, Rabbi A.D. Motzen, Agudath Israel's National Director of Government Affairs, wrote an article for The Cannon explaining why, for faith-based parents, school choice is important. 

Read this week's Pirchei newsletter here.

Read this week's Bnos newsletter here.

And for a special offer for Pirchei-ers for tickets for the Siyum on Seder Nashim this Sunday, click here.

Agudath Israel's Zahav division is partnering with Chemed, LCSC, and Connections to cosponsor a Medicare Event this Tuesday, October 31. 

Get your questions answered and make Medicare work for you, with presentations by Dr. Dara Kass, MD, Regional Director of US Department of Health and HR; medical insurance expert Shmuel Zaidman; and Serenity Medical Supply. 

The event, for women, will take place at Khal Zichron Yaakov, 175 Sunset Rd., Lakewood, NJ. Doors open at 12:30pm and the program proper will begin at 1:00pm.  

Connections members are requested to please bring their Connections keychain. 

To RSVP or for questions, email

To request that a specific question or topic be addressed at the event, text 732.710.5661 

Irresponsible Journalism Stokes the Flames of Antisemitism, continued:

This sentiment was echoed by the bill's co-sponsor, Senator Andrew Gounardes.

As we have seen with the Times' reporting on the Middle East, facts sometimes seem relegated to pesky, irrelevant obstacles standing in the way of a desired narrative about Jews.

Agudath Israel writes this not because it supports corporal punishment, but because it demands responsible journalism. Whether it is this reporting, attributing a bill's passage to yeshivas when its sponsors say yeshivas played no role, or when the Times, BBC, and other media rush to side with Hamas' condemnation of Israel for a Gaza hospital explosion which US, UK, French, and other responsible intelligence agencies have now determined, in fact, emanated from a rocket launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, media outlets have an ethical and journalistic obligation to their audience.

Misleading reportage is always reprehensible. But when Jewish students at Cooper Union need to barricade themselves in a library to protect themselves from pro-Palestinian demonstrators pounding on the doors; when a woman is punched at a NYC subway terminal "for being Jewish;" and when antisemitism and tensions are aflare due to world events, responsible, unbiased journalism is a moral imperative.

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

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