Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fwd: 🇮🇱 Special Torah Learning Campaign for Israel

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From: Koren Publishers Jerusalem: Newsletter <news@korenpub.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 10, 2023, 6:31 AM
Subject: 🇮🇱 Special Torah Learning Campaign for Israel
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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As we do at this time every year, we have been offering up to 15% off all books of parasha commentary as we begin the cycle of parashot again with Bereshit.

In light of the current situation here in Israel, we will be extending that sale through the end of October. We ask that everyone undertakes some Torah learning according to their own ability in the merit of the people, the land, and the state of Israel. Whether you are able to commit to learning daily, weekly, or just able to make an effort to learn when you can.

Please do so in the merit of those injured, that they may have a complete recovery, in the merit of those missing, that they return safely, and in merit of those who have been killed, that their souls may have an aliyah. May this initiative help bring the quick and complete end to the current situation, and may we know peace and security for Israel במהרה ובימנו, speedily and in our days, amen.
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