Monday, October 30, 2023

Fwd: Update on the situation in Eretz Yisroel 15 Cheshvan 5784/October 30, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Mon, Oct 30, 2023, 6:41 PM
Subject: Update on the situation in Eretz Yisroel 15 Cheshvan 5784/October 30, 2023
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October 30, 2023 - 15 Cheshvan 5784

In today's update: Last night's Siyum on Seder Nashim was a powerful opportunity for Tefillah for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel; our statement on antisemitic hate in college campuses; and a Pirchei chizuk call tonight at 8 pm EDT. 

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Agudas Yisroel's Siyum on Seder Nashim Joins Thousands in Tefillah for Eretz Yisroel and Celebration of Torah Learning

Last night, some 3,000 Jews gathered in Holmdel, New Jersey's Bell Works to participate in Agudah's Ki Heim Chayeinu's Siyum on Daf Yomi Seder Nashim in the year which marks the 100th anniversary of Rav Meir Shapiro zt"l introducing the concept of the Daf Yomi cycle. 

What was originally intended to be only a celebration of the prodigious efforts of the lomdei Daf Yomi on the completion of Seder Nashim, grew to include tefillah for all in danger in Eretz Yisroel, hostages, soldiers, and the many hundreds of thousands of Jews in harm's way.  

As Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel, said in his address opening the Siyum, "The barbarians sought to destroy our Simchas Torah. Tonight we say hayo lo sih'yeh! Tonight we proclaim V'nismach b'divrei salmud torasecha u'vmitzvosecha l'olam vo'ed!"

Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum, in his siyum on Seder Nashim, noted that the words of Torah are our weapon: "Every blatt gemara is a missile; every Tosfos is a rocket; and every kapitel Tehillim is a bomb." 

In a similar vein, Chaver Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin, Rosh HaYeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha, told the participants that "The zechus haTorah is what, b'eizer Hashem, gives us the ge'ulah."

Rabbi Elimelech Biderman joined the siyum from afar, due to the situation in Eretz Yisroel. He spoke of the importance of maintaining a high level of Torah during these troubling times: our Torah and unity can help our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. 

The Siyum also included an inspiring siyum on Mishnah Yomi Seder Moed, delivered by Rabbi Nosson Scherman, General Editor Artscroll/Mesorah Publications, who spoke of the desire for Torah learning precipitated by the war in Eretz Yisroel. Over 20,000 pamphlets of the next two weeks of Daf Yomi were printed and distributed in Israel for soldier's use; following on 20,000 pamphlets from last week. "The desire for Torah is unimaginable," he said.

See below for pictures.

Agudath Israel of America Statement on Recent Antisemitism on College Campuses

Agudath Israel of America decries – in the strongest possible terms – the cesspools of naked, unabashed antisemitism that many institutions of higher learning have descended into since Hamas' barbaric massacre on October 7th.

In some, the antisemitism has manifested itself in chants endorsing the destruction of Israel. In others, in blatant support for Hamas, the murderous terrorist entity whose foundational document lists "killing Jews" as part of its mission statement and explicitly rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel. In too many cases, Jewish students had to barricade themselves in libraries or their dormitories, made to be fearful of their safety by open calls for violence. Simply because they are Jews.

Agudath Israel of America's Washington Office, together with its nationwide regional offices, have therefore raised the issue of campus antisemitism in their dozens of recent meetings with U.S. Senators and House members. We commend the Senate for its bipartisan – indeed, unanimous – adoption of a resolution condemning cases of antisemitism at institutions of higher education and encouraging college and university leaders to speak out against Jew-hatred.

We commend the Biden Administration as well for its unveiling of two significant measures aimed at addressing rising antisemitism on college campuses. We also appreciate the work and voices of many Jewish and non-Jewish individuals and organizations who have spoken out on this issue.

To our dear Jewish brothers and sisters on college campuses, stay strong! The Jewish people have been persecuted since time immemorial. However, with Hashem's help, we have survived, even thrived. The antisemites will come and go. We will endure.

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel is once again hosting a live teleconference tonight at 8:00 PM EDT with special divrei chizuk followed by the reciting of 3 perakim of tehillim together with thousands of boys around the country. 

Divrei Chizuk: Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Mora D'Asra, Agudas Yisroel of Flatbush

Divrei Pesicha: Rabbi Aryeh Schuster, Menahel, Yeshiva Yesodei HaTorah, Toronto

Call In:

US: 605-477-3000

UK: 03-3336-60871

IL: 04-3750153

View of crowd reciting tehillim

Partial view of crowd

Partial view of crowd

Rabbi Gedalia Moshe Eisenbach, reciting a mi shebeirach for the soldiers in Eretz Yisroel

Rabbi Avrum Yishai Koenig, the Vorka Rebbe, leading Tehillim

Rabbi Shlomo Mandel leading Tehillim

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum

Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin

Noviminsker Rebbe leading Kabalos Ol Malchos Shamayim

Rabbi Aaron Brustowsky, leading Maariv

Rabbi Nosson Scherman

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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