Thursday, November 23, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] Hilchos Shabbos Initiative

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 10:59 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Hilchos Shabbos Initiative

Congregation Khal Chasidim




Siman 367 discusses under what conditions people other than the homeowners can be zoche in an eiruv without their knowledge or express consent. 

Specifically, in most cases, one's wife has the ability to participate in the eiruv even against the husband's wishes (provided that it doesn't further restrict him). However, anyone else (including immediate family members) can only be zoche in the eiruv on behalf of the homeowner if there was no express objection, as it is assumed to be a zechus on his behalf unless there is an express or self-understood reason to assume otherwise.

Consequently, most community-wide eiruvin (which require the participation of all homeowners residing within the boundaries of the eiruv) can rely on this assumption without having to seek active participation and agreement from each and every homeowner.

The problem arises when non-Jews or others who object to the eiruv reside within the eiruv. One way to possibly circumvent this problem is to be zoche in the entire area from someone who has jurisdiction and access to every residence (the fire department or other sovereign government official). 

While this may be a reliable and necessary leniency, it is less than ideal.

Gut Shabbos!

Congregation Khal Chasidim
6757 N. Richmond 
Chicago, IL 60645

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