Thursday, November 23, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] The Shmuz - In search of chizuk? Plus shalom bayis recording inside ✡

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 11:22 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] The Shmuz - In search of chizuk? Plus shalom bayis recording inside ✡

"Rebbe, I need chizuk"

It's a line I hear often. Now, more than ever before, we all need encouragement and motivation. The Shmuz Whatsapp Chizuk Group sends out short, powerful videos about five times a week, and baruch Hashem, we have received incredible feedback.

If you are already familiar with the group and have found the group meaningful, please pay it forward by sharing this link with a friend who you think could benefit.

Earlier in the week there was a live, question and answer class on shalom bayis. If you didn't manage to join, here is the recording: 

Wishing you an amazing Shabbos,

Rabbi Shafier


The Influence of Society

"And I will return in peace to my father's house, and HASHEM will be to me G-d." – Bereishis 28:21

When Yaakov Avinu was told that his brother Aysav was plotting to kill him, he ran from his father's home and prepared for an extended stay in exile. Along the way, he davened and asked HASHEM for a number of things, including: "I should return to my father's house in peace."

Rashi assumes that this can't be referring to HASHEM protecting him physical harm because Yaakov already asked for that. Rather, says Rashi, it means that, "I should arrive safe from sin," – that HASHEM should protect him learning from devious ways of his future father-in-law, Lavan.

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Tiferes Bnei Torah | 10 Mariner way, Monsey, NY 10952

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