Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Fw: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Fwd: היום תקבל ברחמים וברצון את תפילתנו

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From: "Rabbi Tal Zwecker" <>
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Sent: Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 5:51 AM
Subject: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Fwd: היום תקבל ברחמים וברצון את תפילתנו
Segula to daven on the 9th hour of 9th day of 9th Month for 9 minutes today 9 Kislev - it comes out 1:41pm to 1:50pm
Source Bris Menucha  pg19a I checked it myself and verified it says that on 9th hour Bnei Yisroel were answered by Keriyas HaYam and  other sources cited as well did not verify those (Ramban Sonimer etc ) attached is a nice tefillah you can say shir hashirim in 9 minutes and recite the tefillah for an es ratzon

בשעה התשיעיתביום התשיעי לחודש התשיעי, עת רצון לתפילה. המועד המסוגל יחול השנה (תשפ"ד) ביום רביעי ט' כסלו, בין השעות: 13:41-13:50. אל תחמיצו סגולת השעה התשיעית ביום התשיעי בחודש התשיעי,  מהוות עת רצון נפלאה לקבלת התפילות.

בתשע דקות אפשר לומר את כל "שיר השירים" וגם את היהי רצון המצו"ב, וכן את התפילה החשובה בשורות הקטנות למטה באותיות רש"י.
ויתקבלו כל התפילות והבקשות לרחמים ולרצון.

The virtue of the ninth hour - clarification of its essence and origin
What is the source of the virtue of the ninth hour?
In the ancient book Brit Recham[1] attributed to Rabbi Avraham Bar Yitzchak Marmon of the Sephardi, the late [2], he wrote: "And at the ninth hour Israel answered the sea, and the ninth hour is the hour of Sassoon and the blessing and the joy is the time of offering, at this hour Elijah answered according to the law [3] In the ownership of the guide, Vigesh Eliyahu, etc. Kabbalah will be in your hands, that the ninth year of the jubilee is a chosen year. The ninth new - a new good of the best and a new desire. And the ninth day of the new - one of the best of all the new. And the ninth hour of the day, a good and selected hour of the day. And in this order up among the highest, the ninth is the chosen one, etc." Akal (the continuation of the quote, about those born at this time, will be mentioned to Lakman). And these words were also brought up in the book Or Einim[4] to Muharra Makumrana ZLA. Likewise, these words were brought to the book of the works of Elakim (entry "Lida") under the name of the book "Shoshan Secrets" attributed to the Beit Midrash of the Ramban and more.

The meaning of the words is that there is an upper hand for any time that is a "ninth" examination, and therefore the ninth year of the jubilee (which nowadays it is not known what year it is, because the jubilee calculation was canceled due to the exile, and some write that it was the year 1944 and 1884), is a more special year ( That is, the entire year is chosen, even if not in the ninth month), and the ninth month of every year is chosen (below we will explain what the ninth month is), and also regarding the ninth day of the month which is a chosen time in every month and month, and also the ninth hour of every day and every day. And here it is true that each time from the above (the year, the month, the day, and the hour) has importance in itself, but when they all join together (the ninth hour, the ninth day, the ninth month) it has extra importance (and as is also mentioned later in the covenant of rest the above, and remember we will mention Lakman more).
Does the virtue of the ninth hour also belong to the ninth year of the jubilee?
Although today it is not known what the ninth year of the jubilee is because we do not have an account of jubilees and the like, mm according to what was explained above in the golden language of the Book of Rest, that the time of the "ninth" is chosen in itself, the model of the combination of the ninth month with the ninth day And the ninth hour, they have great importance, and as he understood in the book Hesed to Avraham of Salonim [5], and the late: "The ninth hour, on the ninth day, in the ninth new moon, is very much prepared for success, which is against the ninth wheel, which is the examination of the foundation of the pipe of all abundance." Akal (later on the quote will be given below).

Well, we have already been asked about this issue by the Gersh and Azner Zatzuk'l[6], and the Rev. Zazl replied: "Even though we are not dealing with occultism, although according to the simply explained language of the Saphak, the covenant of rest is not a matter of a specific time here, but every ninth It is capable of itself, and the ninth hour is capable of PF, and the ninth month is capable of PF, and so on, and therefore any number of nines that happen together is a time of desire. And therefore, even in this year, it is certainly a time capable of abundance from heaven and a time of desire that is capable." ECL.
Is the ninth hour also capable of receiving prayers?
In the book of the Covenant of Rest (which is in fact the source of the virtue), Hadia does not mention that the ninth hour of the ninth day, etc., is a virtue for receiving prayers, but only mentions that it is a privileged time (and also mentions, regarding the ninth month, that it is "a new desire"), and later he wrote in the Covenant of Rest: "Therefore, anyone who is born in the 9th year of the Jubilee, in the 9th month on the 9th day at the 9th hour, and who begins to grow, is like the growth of all these, after all, it ascends to the kingdom without a doubt." ECL. And in the above-mentioned book of kindness to Avraham Maslonim, he added that this hour is "very ready for success", but did not mention the matter of receiving prayers [and later also mentioned the issue of birth: "And the one born at this time ascends to the kingdom" Ekal].

And for this reason, some have tended to scoff at the virtue of the ninth hour, which, as it were, does not matter at all for the time of desire for prayers. But the PFCD, God forbid, should not be mocked, since the words of the above covenant of rest were spoken as a direct continuation of what was written there, that the ninth hour (of every day) is an hour of peace and blessing and joy, and that at this hour Israel answered for the day and Elijah answered on Mount Carmel, and that means that the power of Of the ninth also concerns the matter of receiving prayers, so surely the inclusion of all the times of the ninth (the new and the day and the hour) has something to add to what is said about the matter of receiving prayers at the Red Sea and Mount Carmel. Furthermore, Dachion, who is finally mentioned in the book of the Covenant of Rest, that this month and this day and this hour are "chosen", and regarding the month he also mentioned that it is a "month of desire", the mind is surely inclined that the matter of receiving prayers also has a special virtue at this time. And in particular the book of grace to the above-mentioned Abraham who tasted the words, that the above-mentioned time has the power of the ninth count, which is the count of the foundation, which is the "pipe of all abundance" as he put it, and it turns out that the hour in which there is a pious belonging to the pipe of abundance, is also a time of desire to ask for abundance , in any field.
What is the "ninth month"?
The "ninth month" is simply a month of selu, according to the Torah reckoning which calls the month of Nisan the first of the months of the year[7], and in most cases when months are called by number (the second month, the third month) it means after Nisan. And so the Gerash Vazner Zalha, owner of Shut Shebat HaLevi, in the answer given in Shut Birori Chaim[8]. However, without Noam Amerio, it would have been possible to say that the first month for the purpose of this virtue is the month of Tishrei, because the virtue mentioned in the aforementioned book of rest was said to be a continuation of the jubilee year, and the jubilee begins in Tishrei. And if we count from Tishri, we find that the ninth month is the month of Sivan. And there are also feet to talk about later in the words of the Covenant of Rest, which wrote that whoever was born on the ninth month on the day of the ninth, etc., will rise to the throne, and this corresponds to the month of Sion in which King David was born. Well, Rabbi Mordechai Ganot, Shalita, in his calendar[9], took the point that the main thing is precisely in the month of Sion, and not in Kislu.

And this matter became a sort of hidden "dispute" between the charity funds, that the "City Fund" definitely pointed to the month of the month of Kislu as being the time worthy of virtue, while the "Rabbi Committee for Charitable Matters" in the first years suggested "getting stricter" as the two options, but in fact it was accepted by the public to observe only about the month of Kislu (and the rabbinic committee also saw that there was no response from the public for the month of Sion, and in recent years they stopped publishing an issue about the ninth day of the month of Sion). And it is possible that, like this, it is said "Among Israel, if they are not prophets, they are the sons of prophets", and Fuk Hazi may not say anything.

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
in Israel: 972-58-322-1218 (sorry no sms)

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