Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Fw: HTC101 - Join Us to Honor Rabbi Twerski, Pay Tribute to our Chayalim and Finish Shas!

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Sent: Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 9:41 PM
Subject: HTC101 - Join Us to Honor Rabbi Twerski, Pay Tribute to our Chayalim and Finish Shas!

November 22, 2023  


Dear Alumni, Supporters and Friends,  

We invite you to celebrate with us at our HTC101 Gala on January 9th where we are excited to honor Rabbi Chaim Twerski for his 40+ years of Harbatzas HaTorah in our Yeshiva. Please join us in showing kavod to Rabbi Twerski who has made an indelible impact on hundreds of students in our high school and in HTC's Semicha shiur, creating future generations of Bnei Torah and Rabbanim.  

As Eretz Yisrael remains front and center in our hearts and minds, we could not be prouder of our nearly 40 alumni serving in the IDF.  We will pay tribute to them at our Gala to show our hakaras hatov for everything they are doing to keep us safe.  

In addition, we invite you to participate in our Alumni and Friends Siyum Hashas project as a zechus for our chayalim and the safe return of the hostages. The Grand Siyum will take place at the HTC101 Gala on January 9th. 

Coming off the heels of our Centennial year, during which we celebrated a century of learning, teaching, and leading, we thank our alumni and supporters for their continuous support. We're incredibly proud of the impact our graduates have made in communities across the globe. Our alumni and supporters have also undertaken many fundraising initiatives to help soldiers, displaced families in Israel, and the people of Israel at large. We're also thrilled to share that, thanks to the generous support of our alumni, supporters and friends, our Rabbi William Z. & Eda Bess Novick z"l Bigdei Yisrael program just shipped over four tons of bags and boxes filled with 13,000 items to help soldiers and displaced families.  At HTC, our students have been davening, adding special learning programs, and joining in other forms of hishtadlus, such as attending the Washington D.C. rally, as a merit for Eretz Yisrael and our brothers and sisters there and throughout the world.

We hope you will participate in this year's campaign and thank you for your continuous support of HTC and all its programs. Please see below for more information.


Jordan Bass

Benzie Friedman

Yechiel Mashiach  

Gala Chairmen 

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