Thursday, November 30, 2023

Fw: [l-aneinu] Kiddush Hashem - Hearts Are Softening

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 12:20 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Kiddush Hashem -  Hearts Are Softening

Hearts Are Softening
November 30, 2023

Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman shared the following story that he experienced at the Washington rally:

"I met one Jew- tattooed from elbow to hand. I asked, "How long did it take you to get here?" He responded "It took me nine hours!. The bus we hired refused to take us when they found out where we were going. So, a few of us grabbed an Uber. It cost us $900. Is it not worth $900 to help save the hostages and save additional Jewish lives!"

I asked him, "Can I give you a hug?"

He replied, "Only if you give me a Blessing that I marry a Jewish woman. After the events of these last few weeks, I have realized I have no place in the non-Jewish world. I envy you! Please bless me that I find a Jewish woman. I'll promise to light the Chanukah candles this year if you bless me to marry a Jewish woman."

I told him I was honored to meet him and to bless him. He replied, "Where I come from, there are no "real" Jews such as yourself. We need you, I need you, please bless me!"

This was by no means a one-time occurrence.

Everyone I met, as soon as they saw my rabbinic garb, wanted to come near and connect with me. These Jews were searching, seeking, wanting, and hoping against hope to be able to reconnect with the Jewish people." 

Rav Dessler (Michtav Me'Eliyahu vol. 5) likens the human heart to a field that has not been plowed. Until a field is plowed, its earth is hard; no seeds can penetrate its surface to take root, and the earth cannot absorb water to nourish developing plants. In order for the earth to produce crops, the field must be plowed so that it will be softened.

Similarly, the human heart is naturally apathetic, resisting any external source of inspiration. In order for the heart to be affected it must be "softened" and made receptive to those influences.

One of the most powerful ways that the resistance of the heart becomes softened is through suffering or tragedy; these things naturally make a person more emotional and more open to establishing bonds with others, including Hashem Himself. 

Jews all over the world are utilizing these tragic times, with all of its sadness and emotion, to open and soften their hearts to deeply connect to Hashem and to each other. 

The field is plowed. The hearts are open. Let's plant more seeds of Kiddush sheim shamayim by connecting and loving every Jew and being true ambassadors of Hashem. 

Shared by Readers

From GoBidud:


To My Dear Neshei Chayil,                                                       

I want you to know that I am thinking about you and davening for you, I want to share with you what I mean when I say that.

It means that when I lay down at night and think about you being alone, I Daven that you shouldn't be lonely, that you should have extra ס"ד in these trying times, and that your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

When I sit at the dentist office with my daughter and I think about all you women who need to deal with their regular appointments on top of everything else you're juggling, I daven that you should have extra ס"ד in these trying times and your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

When my 10-year-old loses his bike, when I receive a call from the principal, or when the kids simply don't want to cooperate, I think about you again and daven that you should have extra ס"ד  in these trying times and your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

When we take out the garbage, break up the kids fights and do our grocery shopping we think about you then too and daven that you can manage your lot with extra ס"ד in these trying times and your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

Friday night I thought about you and wondered who is sitting at the head of your table. Can you really feel the menucha of Shabbos when your husband is out at battle? I daven that you should have extra ס"ד in these trying times and your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

When I saw a woman walk into the delivery room by herself or someone else leaving the hospital with a precious newborn both without their husbands, I thought about you and I daven that you should have extra ס"ד in these trying times and your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

I think about the fear, tension, stress and loneliness you must be living with on a daily basis and daven for extra ס"ד in these trying times and your husbands should come home quickly, safely and healthy.

May הקב"ה hear all our tefilos, shower us with unlimited שמירה & ס"ד until the geulah will come!! 
With tears and love,
A sister in Sanhedria HamUrchevet



"Yehei Shmei Raba" Initiative

Timely initiative from the Chafetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

"Yehei Shmei Raba- Initiative"

The primary accomplishment of the praise "Amein, Yehei Shmei Rabba" is that through it, His Great Name will be exalted and sanctified in all worlds.

CLICK HERE for more information about the initiative.
To download or print a copy of the "Amein Card",

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