Thursday, November 16, 2023

Fw: Yaakov and Eisav and the War in Israel

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Sent: Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 6:03 PM
Subject: Yaakov and Eisav and the War in Israel
New! YUTorah Parsha Roundup for Toldot

Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University Stands Together With Israel

Click here for resources, materials and recordings about the current situation in Israel. Please have in mind for all the learning on YUTorah to be a merit for the Jewish community in Israel and around the world, and be a protection for the IDF soldiers and captives currently in danger.

Parshat Toldot 5784

Download the newest edition of the YUTorah in Print for Toldot

with 18 pages of recently uploaded Torah articles to print out for your Shabbat table.

Click here to see all editions of Parsha in Print for Toldot.

Learn about the Parsha

Topics on Toldot

Toldot and the War in Israel

What lessons can we glean from this week's parsha to help us understand what is happening now in Israel and the Jewish people?

Browse the Shiurim
The Eternal Struggle Between Yaakov and Eisav

How has the relationship between Yaakov and Eisav developed over the millenia, and where is it heading?

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The Bracha of Baruch Shepatrani

Why does the father make this bracha at his son's bar mitzvah? And how is it related to the parsha?

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The Status of the Blind in Halacha

Are blind people obligated in all mitzvot? Any mitzvot?

Browse the Shiurim

New This Week

Recent Shiurim on Toldot
Rabbi Yaakov Abramovitz: Misleading the Blind, Literally

Rabbi Daniel Albert: Greatness Does Not Lie in Innovation

Rabbi Eitan Bendavid: When the Digging Gets Tough
Rabbi Chaim Brovender: Good and Bad
Rabbi Aryeh Cohen: We Have The Ability To Brighten The Darkest Days

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen: Avos, Mitzvos and Eretz Yisrael

Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: The Riddle of Esav's Wives

Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman: Yitzchak, Ya'akov, and the Brachos: Lessons For Today
Rabbi Joel Finkelstein: A Breath of Fresh Air
Rabbi Yonatan Shai Freedman: What the Clowns Say

Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich: Setting up the Eternal Battle between Yaakov and Eisav

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg: Relentless Prayer
Morah Stacey Goldman: Esav and Free Will
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith: Ancient Antisemitism
Rabbi Daniel Hartstein: Your Tefilah Matters!
Rabbi Gedalia Jaffe: Yaakov and Esav's Dramatic Coming of Age

Rabbi Ari Kahn: A Glimpse of the Spiritual Life of Yitzchak

Mrs. Emma Katz: Two Nations, One Eternal Struggle
Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg: Attitude Shapes A Person's Behavior
Rabbi Aaron Leibtag: Everyday Anew: The Bracha of Yitzchak
Rabbi Yoni Levin: The Sounds of Redemption
Rabbi Chaim Marcus: The Key To Simcha, Menuchas Hanefesh & Powerful Prayer

Rabbi Yoni Miller: Going Deep Into The Wells

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger: Understanding Rivkah's Involvement in the Bechorah

Rabbi Baruch Simon: The Bracha of Veyiten Lecha

Rabbi Yonah Sklare: The Quest for Your Divine Portal
Mrs. Shira Smiles: Laudable Land
Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky: Why Did Avraham Fulfill Eruv Tavshilin?
R' Ari Wasserman: Too much Beracha is not a Beracha
Rabbi Jonathan Ziring: Esav's Rush to Sell the Bechora
Recent Articles on Toldot
Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein: Refining the Jewish People
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander: Eisav's Stew and Yaakov's Values
Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald: The Theological Underpinnings of Antisemitism
Mrs. Michal Horowitz: The Prayer of the Righteous
Rabbi Norman Lamm: The View From The Brink
Rabbi Yehuda Mann: Creating Love

Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman: Choosing Life

Rabbi Moshe Taragin: The Long View

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner: Rivkah's Remarkable Confidence

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