Thursday, November 23, 2023

Fwd: Bitachon for Our Times; Contact Lenses on Shabbos; Women Eating Before Kiddush?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Nov 23, 2023, 9:05 AM
Subject: Bitachon for Our Times; Contact Lenses on Shabbos; Women Eating Before Kiddush?
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More: GenAleph has been putting out podcasts and articles curated for parents as we all try to navigate these trying times. How do we talk to our children who vary in ages and stages of development?
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November 24-25, 2023 / 12 Kislev 5784


Hosea 12:13-14:10

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Reflections on an Unusual Thanksgiving
Reflections on an Unusual Thanksgiving
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

There are events that force us to reconsider our fundamental assumptions and relationships. This is true of the tsunami of antisemitism that has surged in America in the aftermath of the Simchas Torah pogrom.

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From Brooklyn to Nashville to the OU
From Brooklyn to Nashville to the OU
Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph

In this episode of Oh, You?, a podcast hosted by OU EVP and COO Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph that offers the opportunity to meet the incredible people who power our OU programs, Josh interviews Dean Andrews from the Office of Public Affairs, who shares how he got from Brooklyn to Nashville to the OU!

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One Man. One Legacy. One Siyum.
All Daf
One Man. One Legacy. One Siyum.

Sign up to learn shas for the siyum on January 2, 2024, in memory of Steve Neuwirth a"h, All Daf's visionary and founding supporter.

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Child Safety Month, Navigate the Unnavigable
Child Safety Month, Navigate the Unnavigable

Child Safety Month is underway with The Jews Next Dor, exploring the importance of the parent-child relationship in preventing abuse.

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GenAleph, the OU's parenting initiative, has been putting out podcasts and articles curated for parents as we all try to navigate these trying times. How do we talk to our children who vary in ages and stages of development? GenAleph Director Rabbi Phil Karesh weighs in.

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Bitachon for Our Times
Women's Initiative
Bitachon for Our Times

Join the OU Women's Initiative for the Bitachon for Our Times series with Yael Davidowitz, a 3-5 minute daily audio series that will examine the mitzvah of bitachon and explore practical strategies to more deeply inculcate trust in Hashem into our lives.

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Blooms of Unity: How a Multi-Part Effort Rescued Flowers and Uplifted Communities
Blooms of Unity: How a Multi-Part Effort Rescued Flowers and Uplifted Communities

OU-JLIC's impactful initiative helped a struggling farm near Gaza, uniting a community to purchase, donate, and deliver 91 floral bouquets, fostering hope and resilience.

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Our Heart: One Child Married, One Child Missing
Our Heart: One Child Married, One Child Missing

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Rabbi Doron Perez, executive chairman of the Mizrachi World Movement, talks about the sacrifices the Jewish people must make to preserve the precious gift of the State of Israel.

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Personalized Medicine
November 28 at 12 pm EST, both online and in person
The in-person event will take place at the Lower Merion Synagogue

SPIRIT will be having a HYBRID event, presented by Chana Hershkop, PharmD, BCGP, to learn about medication management using pharmacogenomics. To attend in person, RSVP by November 26 to

Register to Attend Online
  Orthodox Union  
E-Cigarettes: Vaping and Tobacco Use by Youth in Our Community
December 6 and 18

Join a new, free, two-part virtual training for parents, yeshiva and seminary teachers, healthcare professionals and Jewish communal leaders on modern techniques for harm reduction. Presented by Touro University and New York Medical College.

Register Now
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Contact Lenses on Shabbos
Contact Lenses on Shabbos

Do contact lenses pose a Shabbos problem? If so, what? Find out with Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner! Rabbi Reuven Brand examines the beauty, meaning, and yes, controversy surrounding the song "Shalom Aleichem." Plus, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, and more!

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Flowering Faith
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Flowering Faith

The shoshana, according to the Malbim, is a flower whose seeds fly in the wind, spreading far and wide.

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Makom and Maariv
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Makom and Maariv

Why does the Torah use the name "Makom" to refer to God in the context of the Maariv prayer?

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Yaakov's Second Dream
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Yaakov's Second Dream

When we stop dreaming of angels and we start dreaming of sheep, it's time to go home.

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Whatever Happened to Prophecy?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Whatever Happened to Prophecy?

A reader asks: We understand that prophecy has gone away, but why was this necessary?

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The Character of Jacob
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
The Character of Jacob

What kind of a person was Jacob? The Torah describes him as a plain, quiet, simple man, but his actions suggest otherwise.

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What's In a Name?
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
What's In a Name?

Who am I? This is the most powerful question that a person ever asks himself. For many of us, there are no easy answers to that question. We are uncertain of our own identities.

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The Rock and Us
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter
The Rock and Us

Learn about the ladder, the tears, the rocks and us.

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Where Is There a Reference to Ice Cream in the Parsha?
Rabbi Yitzy Fox
Where Is There a Reference to Ice Cream in the Parsha?

Learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions!

Read Trivia Questions
What Was Taught in Yeshivat Shem v'Ever?
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
What Was Taught in Yeshivat Shem v'Ever?

Based on the language used in the Torah, Rashi derives that Yaakov rested at this location, but for fourteen years he did not rest. Rather during that period he engaged in the study of Torah in the yeshiva of Shem v'Ever.

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