Thursday, November 30, 2023

Fwd: The Dee Pirkei Avot Project - TDPAP (2.15)

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From: The Dee Pirkei Avot Project <>
Date: Thu, Nov 30, 2023, 3:01 PM
Subject: The Dee Pirkei Avot Project - TDPAP (2.15)
To: <>

This week's idea on Mishna 2.15 was written by Jonathan Levene who has been inspired by the love and achdut (togetherness) that the Dees have taught and shown us. Having grown up in the UK, he is now in his second year of Yeshiva in Israel.

We continue to wholeheartedly daven and learn in the merit of all those in Israel. Our lists are based off names sent to us and may not be up to date with the hostages as they continue to be released iyH. Nevertheless, we daven for the welfare of them all.

עם ישראל חי ❤ 🇮🇱

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