Thursday, November 2, 2023

Fwd: Donate in the Merit of Israel

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rabbi Yosef B Friedman <>
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2023, 7:19 PM
Subject: Donate in the Merit of Israel
To: <>

Dear Kehot Friend,

This Shabbat, the 20th of Cheshvan, marks the birth, in 1860, of the fifth Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, of blessed memory.

His contribution of more than 2,000 Chasidic discourses, left an indelible mark on the profound heritage of the Chasidic movement.

So here is the best way to celebrate this Chasidic birthday.

Please consider dedicating an important discourse by the Rebbe, entitled

Garments of the Soul.

As millions of Jews around the world unite in an unprecedented effort to bring spiritual merits to our soldiers and people in the Holy Land, help us bring the spiritual energy of the publishing of a Chasidic text by our Rebbe.

May the Almighty grant us a swift and definitive victory over our enemies.

Thank you for your continuous support.

With all good wishes for a peaceful Shabbos,

Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman

"One who contributes from his wealth for the purpose of writing or publishing a book of a tzaddik --

At any given time, and in any corner of the world, that a person studies from this book, the tzaddik on high evokes merit on behalf of the donor through whom the book was disseminated."

--The Rebbe (Igrot Kodesh, vol 2)


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