Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 2 Kislev 5784/November 15, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 4:17 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 2 Kislev 5784/November 15, 2023
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November 15, 2023 - 2 Kislev 5784

In today's email update: Combating antisemitism on campuses and in the workforce; ongoing virtual Washington mission; Agudah of California facilitates an assemblymember's visit to community; yahrtzeit of Rav Aharon Kotler ZT'L; special discount on R' Benny Fishoff's biography; Bnos Tween Light for Chodesh Kislev; and Zahav helping seniors and their families.

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Agudah Launches Legal Portal to Combat Antisemitism on Campuses and in the Workforce 

In response to the rise of antisemitic incidents on college campuses and in the workforce, Agudah Legal is collaborating with dedicated legal professionals to assist individuals facing antisemitism. The project is being spearheaded by Daniel Kaminetsky, Esq., general counsel for Agudath Israel of America. 

As antisemitism has erupted on college campuses and elsewhere all over the country, the number of phone calls to Agudah Legal asking for guidance on how to navigate discriminatory situations has significantly increased. Agudath Israel has created a portal for individuals to reach out to Agudah Legal with cases of discrimination. Cases will be directed to experienced lawyers and professionals who will provide guidance as the situation warrants.  

Read more below, or by clicking here.

Standing With Israel: Agudath Israel's Virtual Washington Mission

With Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)

With Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

With Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH)

With Congressman Greg Landsman (D-OH)

In response to Hamas' October 7 atrocities and Israel's war against terrorism, Agudath Israel of America is organizing an ongoing "Virtual Washington Mission" to impress upon the nation's elected officials the importance of their continued support for Israel and to solicit their aid in helping to address the security challenges currently facing American Jews.

Agudath Israel's Washington Office has worked closely with the organization's nationwide regional offices to coordinate the virtual meetings with over 30 senators and congresspersons. And more are being arranged. Some members expressed their desire to have in-person meetings, which were convened in their home districts.

Read more below, or by clicking here.

Agudath Israel Facilitates Assemblymember Rick Zbur Visit to the Los Angeles Orthodox Jewish Community

Assm. Zbur addressing the volunteers

Assm. Zbur, Yossi Segelman (OBKLA Founder), Rabbi Yaakov Subar

Rabbi Yaakov Subar, Assm. Zbur, Yossi Segelman, Dr Irving Lebovics

Chaim Freeman, Rabbi Yaakov Subar, Assm. Zbur, Schneur Braunstien (Tomchei Director)

Last week, Assemblymember Rick Zbur (AD-51), Democratic Caucus Chair, visited the Los Angeles Jewish community. 


Assm. Zbur visited Tomchei LA's distribution center where kosher food products are distributed to families in need. Assm. Zbur assisted in packaging boxes and then addressed all the volunteers, explaining that he feels a special connection with the Jewish community. He also expressed his support for Israel and sympathy for the victims of the terror attacks. Assm. Zbur also toured Our Big Kitchen Los Angeles, an organization that provides ready-cooked meals to charities. He was impressed with the communal organizations he visited and asked Agudath Israel of America's California Office, which arranged the visit, to follow up with him on how he can continue helping the community and its organizations. 


Assm. Zbur's visit was a result of Agudah's delegation to Sacramento in August, where the participants advocated for an expanded California Nonprofit Security Grant, for which the funding was recently doubled, and to include nonpublic schools in California's Universal Meals Program. At the time, Assm. Zbur expressed interest in visiting the Jewish community in Los Angeles and some of its organizations. 


Read more below, or by clicking here.

Today, 2 Kislev, marks the yahrtzeit of Rav Aharon Kotler ZT'L who, among his many other klal positions, was leader of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in his day. We are sharing an article by Rabbi Yechiel Yitzchok Perr written in memory of the Rosh Yeshiva for the Jewish Observer in 1979.

For full article see below or click here.

Special Offer:

We have partnered with Artscroll to arrange an exclusive offer:

News From the Agudah readers who buy the brand new book, B'ahavah Benny, a book about R' Benny Fishoff Z'L, former chairman of Agudah's Board of Trustees and legendary klal askan, will get an exclusive 20% off. Use promo code: AGUDAH20. Click here to take advantage of this offer

Bnos Tween Light Chodesh Newsletter

Zahav aims to help seniors and their families, answer their questions, and guide them to ensure they are equipped with all the necessary information they need to access life-enhancing services and programs.

Questions that the Zahav team can assist you with include ones about finding local help for seniors, finding guidance for legal and medical planning, and information about government resources to pay towards healthcare costs. In addition, they are there for you with regard to financial planning questions, such as trusts and wills, or Medicaid.

For more information about Zahav, please visit 

Mrs. Hadassah Waldman, MS, SBL, SDL

All inquiries will be held in strictest confidentiality.

Agudath Israel Launches Legal Portal to Combat Antisemitism on Campuses and in the Workforce, continued:

Agudath Israel is working with The Lawfare Project, the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, and several law firms, including Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP; Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP; and Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP. In most instances, services can be provided on a pro bono basis. 

"I know I'm not the only student being faced with blatant antisemitism, and I know I'm not the only one who has no idea what we can do about it," one student, who requested his name be withheld for safety concerns, told Agudath Israel. "I am really grateful to Agudath Israel for creating a dedicated place for students like me to turn to."  

"Agudath Israel has always stood at the side of individuals facing discrimination in any fashion," said Mr. Kaminetsky. "While the number and severity of cases is on the rise, this does not change Agudah's commitment to making sure our voices are heard and our rights protected to the fullest extent of the law." 

To contact Agudah Legal with a case of school or workplace antisemitic discrimination, email, or call 646-254-1678.  

Standing With Israel: Agudath Israel's Virtual Washington Mission, continued:

The agenda of these meetings has included the need for Congress to back up Israel's rooting out of Hamas, to condemn and isolate the terrorist group, the safeguarding the hostages, and to quickly pass legislation to provide Israel the military aid it urgently needs. In addition, the activists are expressing concern regarding the dramatic uptick in antisemitic incidents in the U.S., particularly those experienced by Jewish students on America's college campuses, and urged the members to support a substantial increase in federal security grants that support shuls, schools and other community institutions.

The mission's participants include hundreds of rabbinic and lay leaders across the country, all meeting with their respective members of Congress. Participants report that the reaction of the senators and congresspersons has been overwhelmingly positive, and receptive to the Jewish community leaders' perspective and message. The members of Congress stressed how important it is that they hear from their constituents at this time, and how every individual who reaches out to a congressmember makes an impact.

The meetings have led to tangible results including members of Congress co-sponsoring legislation, reaching out to University deans, and in one case, authoring a letter to Secretary Blinken asking him to arrange a screening of the Israeli video featuring the brutality of Hamas' October 7th attacks for members of Congress and the media.

"Everyone needs to understand that now is the time to talk to your elected officials in Washington," said Rabbi Yossie Charner, Agudath Israel's director of congressional affairs. "For every pro-Israel call a congressional office receives, we have been told that it gets even more from the other side. We, as both an organization and as constituents, must make our voices heard.

In addition to the virtual mission, since the beginning of the war Agudath Israel has been communicating on an ongoing basis with officials at the White House, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Education, to make them aware of our communities' views and concerns and to keep abreast of government involvement in the situation in Israel and in American Jewish communities.

Agudath Israel has also sent out a series of action alerts in an effort to mobilize our constituents to reach out via email to their members of Congress, encouraging them to express support for Agudath Israel's priorities in regard to Israel and American Jewry. Through these action alerts, tens of thousands of emails from across the country were sent to hundreds of members of Congress in 38 states.

Agudath Israel Facilitates Assemblymember Rick Zbur Visit to the Los Angeles Orthodox Jewish Community, continued:

Additionally, Assm. Zbur was a strong voice and advocate for the successful expansion of the security grant in this past legislative session. The Agudah worked to expand the grant to include communal security infrastructure expenses. Mr. Ari Goldner, a volunteer Community Team Member of the Magen Am security agency who was on duty at Tomchei LA, took the opportunity to thank Assm. Zbur for his successful push to keep the community safe.  


"Thanks to Assm. Zbur's efforts, we can now be proactive in addressing suspicious activity in a school or shul before it happens and avert a potential crisis," said Mr. Goldner. 


"The Agudah is grateful to Assemblymember Zbur for taking the time to visit our community and for his continued support," said Rabbi Yaakov Subar, director of Agudah's California Office. "His visit gave him a chance to really see the community at work and gave us an opportunity to express our gratitude to Assemblymember Zbur for his work on our behalf. We anticipate continuing to work with Assemblymember Zbur on addressing our community's needs. 

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

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