Monday, November 27, 2023

Fwd: Today! Afternoon Beit Medrash;HaRav Reiss Chaburah and Night Seder Tonight!

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From: Congregation KINS <>
Date: Mon, Nov 27, 2023, 10:00 AM
Subject: Today! Afternoon Beit Medrash;HaRav Reiss Chaburah and Night Seder Tonight!
To: <>

Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park

Learning Opportunities This week!  Please join in the various shiurim throughout the week. 

1:00 PM: 
Amud Hashavua with Rabbi Goldstein (for men)

8:00 PM:
  Open Beit Medrash
8:00 PM: 
From the Dayans Desk with HaRav Reiss (for men)


12:30 PM: Parsha Hashavua with Rabbi Leibtag
8:30 PM :  "
Wartime Teshuvot": Conditional Wartime Gittin with Rabbi Leibtag


1:00 PM: Tehillim with Rabbi Goldstein
8:00 PM:
Semichas Chaver with Rabbi Leibtag

Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park
2800 W. North Shore Ave • 3003 West Touhy Ave • Chicago, IL 60645

P773.761.4000 • F773.761.4959 •

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