Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Fw: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 7 Teves, 5784/December 19, 2023

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Agudah" <info@agudahil.org>
To: "mates57564@aol.com" <mates57564@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 5:01 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 7 Teves, 5784/December 19, 2023

December 19, 2023 | 7 Teves, 5784

  • Registration for the H3 National Business Halacha Summit closes tomorrow! See below for details and to register.

  • Agudath Israel of Illinois, together with the Chicago Rabbinical Council, sponsored a Kiddush this past Shabbos at Mikor Hachaim in honor of the retirement of Police Commander Joseph Brennan. Scroll down to read the complete article.

  • See below or click here for halachos of proper disposal of Chanukah items.

  • Scroll for Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos shiurim locations.

  • Bnos announces an exciting and meaningful Mitzvah project, Likras Shabbos, helping to make Shabbos even more meaningful. Bnos is also extending the Colorful Creations Clubs and Gym Night for another four weeks! See below for details.

Kiddush in Honor of Police Commander Joseph Brennan Retiring

Agudath Israel of Illinois, together with the Chicago Rabbinical Council, sponsored Kiddush this past Shabbos at Mikor Hachaim in honor of the retirement of Police Commander Joseph Brennan. Following davening, Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, and Rabbi Shlomo Soroka spoke in appreciation of the commander's work. Commander Brennan's vision and leadership in the 24th Police District has made Chicago a safer place for the Jewish community. He worked tirelessly to keep our neighborhoods as safe as possible while crime and antisemitism rose. On behalf of Agudath Israel and our entire community, we express profound gratitude for constantly going above and beyond the call of duty. Agudath Israel of Illinois wishes Commander Robert Vanna success in his new role serving the 24th district.

Proper Disposal of Chanukah Items

Click here for the program details

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Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 W Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659
Unsubscribe mates57564@aol.com
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Sent by info@agudahil.org

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