Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Fw: PARSHAH PICKS: Building Jewish Infrastructure Everywhere (Vayechi)

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Subject: PARSHAH PICKS: Building Jewish Infrastructure Everywhere (Vayechi)
Parshah Picks
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General Overview

This week's Torah reading, Vayechi, discusses Jacob's final years. Shortly before his passing, Jacob blesses Joseph's children as well as his own. A massive funeral procession escorts Jacob's body to Canaan. The reading, and the Book of Genesis, concludes with Joseph's death.
Building Jewish Infrastructure Everywhere

Building Jewish Infrastructure Everywhere

Life Lessons From the Parshah - Vayechi

By Yehoshua B. Gordon


Vayechi in a Nutshell

Vayechi in a Nutshell

Genesis 47:28–50:26


Vayechi Haftarah Companion

Vayechi Haftarah Companion

For an informed reading of Kings 2:1–12

By Mendel Dubov


Vayechi Parshah Quiz

Vayechi Parshah Quiz

Take this quiz to see how well you know the parshah of Vayechi.

By Menachem Posner


Don't Write the Obituary Just Yet!

Don't Write the Obituary Just Yet!

The Jewish People never die. We almost die on a regular basis. But do we die? Will we? Can we? Never!

By Yossy Goldman

What Does It Mean to Be a True Leader?

What Does It Mean to Be a True Leader?

A virtuous person thinks in terms of duties and responsibilities. What is my role? What is my obligation? But a leader thinks in terms of needs. What are the needs of this person? This organization? This population?

By Chaya Shuchat

Close Your Eyes: Things Aren't as They Seem

Close Your Eyes: Things Aren't as They Seem

It is natural to become enveloped by the minutiae of our challenges. Awareness of the greater picture of which we are all a part, however, is essential.

By Katia Bolotin


"Are We There Yet?"

"Are We There Yet?"

It would be helpful to know the date of the final Redemption. But the Redemption would not be perfect were it brought about with such help. ("Parsha Perks" with Dr Michael Chighel | Vayechi)

By Michael Chighel

Watch (3:21)
Should Toxic Environments Be Avoided at All Costs?

Should Toxic Environments Be Avoided at All Costs?

A lesson from Jacob's blessing to his grandson Efraim.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (4:43)
When I Deserve It Least, I Need Your Love Most

When I Deserve It Least, I Need Your Love Most

Sometimes we see it coming. We warn our spouse or child, and they proceed to mess up. Isn't this the time for tough love reprimand, to point out their errors? Learn how to most effectively support and rebuild the person who did wrong.

By Aryeh Weinstein

Watch (10:29)


Basic Parshah - Vayechi

An overview of the weekly Parshah, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.

By Marty Goodman

Listen (94:11)

M-Cast: Vayechi

Welcome to M-Cast, where we take a look at topics in the weekly Torah portion and see how it relates to the coming of Moshiach.

By Yerachmiel Galinsky

Listen (4:55)
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