Thursday, December 21, 2023

Fwd: Asarah B’Tevet, Us and Them; Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids; Halachic Living Wills

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Date: Thu, Dec 21, 2023, 7:35 PM
Subject: Asarah B'Tevet, Us and Them; Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids; Halachic Living Wills
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December 22-23, 2023 / 11 Tevet 5784


The fast of Asarah B'Tevet is observed on Friday, December 22.


Ezekiel 37:15-28

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Asarah B'Tevet, Us and Them
Asarah B'Tevet, Us and Them
Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Fast days such as Asarah B'Tevet are opportunities to remember the past so that we will not be condemned to repeat it, moving us to recognize that our current challenges come from being stuck in past failures.

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What's the Truth about… Asarah B'Tevet Falling on Shabbat?
What's the Truth about… Asarah B'Tevet Falling on Shabbat?
Jewish Action

What happens if Asarah B'Tevet falls out on Shabbat? What happens if it falls out on a Friday, like it does this year?

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Chanukah and Giant Lego Gelt
Chanukah and Giant Lego Gelt

Denver NCSY and Aish of the Rockies partnered to put on a massive Chanukah celebration with over 600 people in attendance.

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Women's Initiative Mission to Israel
Women's Initiative
Women's Initiative Mission to Israel

The contingent representing ten Orthodox communities throughout North America traveled to Israel for four days to bring support to Israel's women — wives, mothers and daughters of chayalim, hostages, and the wounded, and others who are bereaved.

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Challah, Prayers, and Unity: JLIC's Shabbat Project Creates a Heartwarming Tapestry of Support for Israel
Challah, Prayers, and Unity: JLIC's Shabbat Project Creates a Heartwarming Tapestry of Support for Israel

A night of unity unfolded at the University of Illinois as the campus JLIC educators orchestrated a Shabbat project. Beyond prayers and challah baking, this event symbolized student commitment to support Israel and build lasting bonds of resilience and community.

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Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids: What Parents Need to Know
Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids: What Parents Need to Know

As the Jews Next Dor podcast begins exploring the topic of emotional health, Dr. David Pelcovitz shares invaluable insights on modeling healthy behaviors, supporting kids through different developmental stages, and helping them build resilience to face life's challenges.

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What's Next: The Future of Israel's Haredi Community
What's Next: The Future of Israel's Haredi Community

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Eli Paley, the publisher of Mishpacha magazine, talks about the role of Haredi society at this pivotal moment in Israel's history.

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How to Complete a Halachic Living Will
Tuesday, December 26, at 12 noon EST

Acquire the tools to create a proper document for your healthcare providers and a guide to talking about these sensitive matters with your family members. Presented by Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody.

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   OU Kosher  
Beyond the Grapevine
Thursday, December 28, in Philadelphia, PA

Journey into the world of kosher wine, its production and relevant halachos.

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  Yachad NJ  
Yachad NJ Gala
Motzei Shabbat, January 6, at 8 PM in Teaneck, NJ

Join Yachad NJ at their gala in tribute to the Adler family, Rena Soclof, and Rabbi Andrew and Racheli Israeli, and celebrating the launch of the George Weinberger Music Studio and Music Appreciation Program.

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  Women's Initiative  
The Women's Initiative's Second Torat Imecha Nach Yomi Siyum

Join us to commemorate this momentous occasion. Programming includes Nach Shabbat on January 13, siyum programming in Israel from January 22-24, and a siyum in Teaneck, NJ, on February 4.

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Spraying Whipped Cream on Shabbos
Spraying Whipped Cream on Shabbos

Does spray whipped cream pose a problem on Shabbos? Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz explains! Also, Rabbi Reuven Brand presents a selection of inspiring Shabbos stories from Jewish sources throughout the generations. Plus, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon on meanings of Shabbos, Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on buying from a butcher shop that's open on Shabbos, and more!

Spraying Whipped Cream on Shabbos – Listen Now
More on l'Kadsho
Out of the Woodwork
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Out of the Woodwork

In this week's haftorah, Yechezkel symbolically depicts the fusion of two blocks of wood, representing the divided Jewish people embodied by Yehuda and Yosef.

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Yosef's Language
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Yosef's Language

In speaking to his brothers in this week's parsha, Yosef uses language that closely parallels the Torah's language regarding the abduction of Dinah, and Shimon and Levi's reaction. Why?

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A Disappointing Encounter
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
A Disappointing Encounter

If the conversation between Yaakov and Pharaoh was so banal, why does the Torah bother to record it at all?

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The Mystery of Avos 6:12 (and Other Secrets Revealed)
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Mystery of Avos 6:12 (and Other Secrets Revealed)

In this entry from the archives, Rabbi Jack explains many of the mysteries of Pirkei Avos, from its name and its location in Shas to why so many things that aren't Avos are treated as if they are Avos.

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The Space Between
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
The Space Between

How do porcupines stay warm in the winter? If they get too close, they'll injure one another. If they stay too far apart, they'll freeze. This quandary has surprising relevance for us.

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Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

I have known more than my share of families that are torn by discord. I think most of us, perhaps even all of us, are familiar with families in which brothers and sisters have not spoken to each other in years, sometimes even having forgotten the original reason for the destruction of their relationship.

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Serach: The Connector
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter
Serach: The Connector

Dig deeper to learn more about Serach, the voice of faith and connector of eternity.

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