Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Fwd: A Light at the Doorpost

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Mon, Dec 11, 2023, 8:06 PM
Subject: A Light at the Doorpost
To: <>

 5th Night Chanukah, 5784 — December 11, 2023

What is the significance behind placing the menorah opposite the mezuzah, specifically on the left side of the doorway?
This Chanukah, Sichos in English is releasing a foundational maamar from Torah Or on this topic, excerpted from the upcoming Lessons in Torah Or and Likkutei Torah on moadim.
On the way to answering the question posed, the maamar takes you on a journey, exploring some of the underlying themes of Chassidus on Chanukah. Clearly translated and replete with additional explanation by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, this maamar is accessible for all to enjoy.
Add depth and light to your Chanukah by learning this illuminating maamar of the Alter Rebbe.

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