Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Fwd: Listen to OU Women’s Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Vayechi

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Wed, Dec 27, 2023, 7:01 AM
Subject: Listen to OU Women's Initiative Torat Imecha Parsha: Parshat Vayechi
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!חזק חזק ונתחזק


In Sefer Yehoshua, Hashem encourages Yehoshua saying " You must be very strong and resolute (Chazak V'amatz)… let not the book of Torah cease from your lips, but recite it day and night". The Torah seems to be highlighting the need for consistency in our Torah learning, regardless of time or circumstance. We started learning Sefer Bereishit at a time of difficult circumstances, when Klal Yisroel was cast into a time of darkness, a sort of "night" following the events of October 7th. In joining Torat Imecha, you have joined women around the globe in being strong and consistent in learning Torah. No doubt your strength and consistency in Torah learning has been a zechut in strengthening all our brothers and sisters in Israel. May you be blessed with strength to continue learning and thereby strengthening Acheinu Bnei Yisroel as we start Sefer Shemot.

Learn the parsha cycle with the OU Women's Initiative
A weekly 10-15 minute audio shiur designed to fit any schedule

Mrs. Sara Malka Winter





Click below to listen to this week's shiur on
Parshat Vayechi 

with Mrs. Sara Malka Winter

Listen Now

Mrs. Sara Malka Winter lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. As a teenager, Mrs. Winter cofounded Ashreinu, a Canadian kiruv organization dedicated to Jewish outreach to the Russian immigrant community, which has influenced hundreds of girls. Mrs. Winter lived in Israel for eight years with her family, where she taught and lectured across Jerusalem in seminaries, outreach centers and high schools. In 2008, Mrs. Winter moved to Maryland to help found the Greater Washington Community Kollel, together with her husband, Rabbi Menachem Winter. She continues to lecture throughout the Washington DC area as a Senior Lecturer for the Kollel on diverse topics including Tefillah, Chumash, Nach, Tehillim, Chagim, and Mitzvos. Mrs. Winter is a beloved teacher at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington Girls Division. At the OU Women's Initiative, Sara Malka has taught as part of the Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program. 

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