Thursday, December 28, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudah 16 Teves 5784, December 28, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Thu, Dec 28, 2023, 5:05 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 16 Teves 5784, December 28, 2023
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December 28, 2023 - 16 Teves 5784

In today's News from the Agudah: Mishna Rishona - have your sons join today; COPE graduation of this year's cohorts; Pirchei and Bnos newsletters; Zahav info; and hearken back to the Agudah Convention by learning how to keep kosher in a Starbucks world.

Good Shabbos!

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We are thrilled to share exciting news about our latest Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America initiative – The "Mishna Rishona" program. This innovative program empowers boys to independently learn and master Mishnayos at their own pace, facilitated by a sophisticated phone system. Harav Fishel Schachter shlita, expert Maggid Shiur, provides engaging shiurim, and a motivating points system has been implemented to cultivate a genuine sense of accomplishment in each participant.


What makes this initiative even more remarkable is the global impact it carries. As boys from various parts of the world come together to learn, the program not only elevates individual learning but also fosters a profound sense of achdus. With already over 1,500 enthusiastic participants, Mishna Rishona has gained significant momentum. Now, as a Pirchei project, we are expanding the reach and participants of the program, recognizing the profound global impact of boys learning and mastering Mishnayos together.

We would like to thank our inaugural sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Shloimy Zeldes, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cohen, and Mr. and Mrs. Meshulam Ross


To sign up for this program, email: or for more information, email Rabbi Yehuda Kohn, National Director of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel:


For sponsorship and dedication opportunities, contact Rabbi Moshe Simcha Levine, Director of Development: P: 845.304.7781 | E:

Agudath Israel Congratulates COPE Accounting Graduates

Last Sunday and Monday, Agudath Israel of America's COPE division celebrated the graduation of fifty students in separate men's and women's cohorts of the CPA track.

For nearly fifty years, COPE has been the home for yeshiva and Bais Yaakov graduates who bring the skills they learned throughout their school years to the table, securing success as they continue into the professional field. COPE is known for its academic excellence, rigorous standards, and commitment to Torah values, giving students the fundamentals of whichever profession they choose in an environment that does not compromise on their values.

Click here or see below for more

One of the graduating classes

Click here for this weeks Pirchei newsletter

Click here for this weeks Bnos newsletter

Click here for this weeks Bnos quiz

Zahav aims to help seniors and their families, answer their questions, and guide them to ensure they are equipped with all the necessary information they need to access life-enhancing services and programs.

Questions that the Zahav team can assist you with include ones about finding local help for seniors, finding guidance for legal and medical planning, and information about government resources to pay towards healthcare costs. In addition, they are there for you with regard to financial planning questions, such as trusts and wills, or Medicaid.

For more information about Zahav, please visit 

Mrs. Hadassah Waldman, MS, SBL, SDL

All inquiries will be held in strictest confidentiality.

Convention Session: Kashrus: Maintaining Kedushah in a Starbucks World

Click here to view one of Friday morning's concurrent sessions from this year's Agudah Convention

Agudath Israel Congratulates COPE Accounting Graduates continued:

The CPA track is an optional follow-up to COPE's unique and acclaimed Junior Accounting Track, which readies students without prior business knowledge for business and accounting positions. Students who celebrated their graduations this week finished an additional program of rigorous courses after which participants are prepared to take the CPA exams.

Over the last few years, more and more of COPE's classes have migrated to a remote learning platform, enabling students from outside the tri-state area to participate in the CPA program.

Graduates, hailing from across the United States, addressed their fellow graduates, expressing their gratitude to their parents, classmates, and especially the staff of COPE for enabling them to reach this milestone.

"COPE was there for us every step of the way, making sure we succeed in a friendly and Torahdik atmosphere," said one graduate. "The knowledge and ethics I have gained from COPE will guide me for the rest of my professional life."

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudah, addressed the graduates, expressing his pride in their achievement and wishing them well as they enter the world of business.

"We at COPE are gratified that we are able to deliver a program that is uncompromising in both its academic standards and in upholding the values our students have gained from years in Yeshiva and from their families," said Rabbi Daniel Baumann, director of COPE Education Services. "We are confident that this valuable combination of knowledge, skills and values will serve them well on their paths towards successful and meaningful careers."

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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