Thursday, December 21, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudah 9 Teves 5784, December 21, 2023

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Thu, Dec 21, 2023, 5:02 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 9 Teves 5784, December 21, 2023
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December 21, 2023 - 9 Teves 5784

In today's News from the Agudah: We start with a heartfelt mazel tov to our dear colleagues Ms. Leah Zagelbaum and Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Gluck on the engagement of her son Yehuda to his daughter Devora Gittel!

As we proceed through these parshiyos of the story of Yosef in Mitzrayim, we're proud to share with you Keeping The Flame Burning Bright, an adaptation of a talk given by Rabbi Daniel Osher Kleinman at the 2021 Agudah Convention, with lessons from Yosef HaTzadik on fighting burnout in avodas Hashem. See below.

In other news: Agudah's Rockland office hosts their second annual legislative meet and greet; YahalomNJ hosts its biggest event thus far; women and high school girls - join Bnos' Asarah B'Teves event tonight; #askingforafriend at the Agudah Convention; and Bnos and Pirchei's weekly newsletters.

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Agudath Israel Rockland Legislative Meet and Greet Enables Community Members, Elected Officials to Connect on a Personal Level

Last night, Agudath Israel of America's Rockland Regional Office hosted their second annual legislative meet and greet for elected officials on federal, state, and local levels and the entire Rockland Jewish community. The event brings together elected officials and their communities, providing both with a unique opportunity to meet face to face. This year's meet and greet was attended by over 150 community members, and elected officials from all levels of government.

Many issues concerning the Orthodox community in Rockland County and the surrounding areas were discussed, including Yeshiva education, busing, and security funding. On the top of everyone's mind was the war in Israel and the rise in antisemitism in the United States, as Chaskel Bennett, a member of Agudath Israel's board of trustees explained, "October 7 is a game changer not just for the people of Israel, and not just for the Jewish community, but for the entire world."

Click here or see below for more

Yahalom NJ Night Our Provides Mothers with Relaxation, Rejuvenation, and Relationships

On Monday, YahalomNJ hosted its biggest event thus far, drawing an overflow crowd of mothers of children with special needs to a special night out. Mothers gained valuable connections, meeting other mothers of children with the same diagnoses as their child and establishing relationships – an opportunity that only a Yahalom event can provide.

Attendees heard from Mrs. Shaindy Schorr, the principal of Bnos Esther Malka, who also has a child with special needs, about accepting the hardships of raising a child with special needs. Many were moved to tears by her words about the acceptance process and inspired by her personal story.

Click here or see below for more

Bnos Asarah B'Teves Event:

Attention Women and High School Girls, Join us for Bnos Agudas Yisroel's evening of inspiration for Asarah B'Teves. With words of inspiration and divrei chuizuk from Rabbetzin Pessy Nimchinsky!

Tonight, Thursday, December 21, 2023


Call: 641.715.3800

937120# prompt 1

For more information:

Please enjoy this adaptation from Rabbi Daniel Osher Kleinman's session about combatting burnout in avodas Hashem, with lessons from Yosef HaTzadik, from the 2021 Agudah Convention.

Click here or on the image at right for a printable version of this article.

If you don't have web access and would like a copy of the pdf emailed to you, please email

Convention Session: #ASKINGFORAFRIEND

Click here to view the full post keynote session from Thursday night at this year's Agudah Convention.

Click here for this week's Pirchei newsletter


Click here for this week's Bnos newsletter

Click here for this week's Bnos Parsha quiz

Agudath Israel Rockland Legislative Meet and Greet Enables Community Members, Elected Officials to Connect on a Personal Level continued:

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's director of New York Government Relations, thanked the legislative officials who attended the evening, as well as those not in attendance who expressed support of Israel. He described Agudath Israel's work in New York State over the last year, including advocating for saving the mandated services program, increasing security funding, and expanding free school meals. He called on all legislators to continue speaking out in support of Israel and further increasing security funding.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America, addressed the evening's attendees:

"There's a real sense of community here, of people who understand the urgency of the issues that we face today: making sure that our streets are safe for our children, that our schools are available for our children, that we are able to carry on in the traditions that we have learned from our parents and from our grandparents."

"Tonight, we honor our representatives who have heeded the call to stand for the truth, to protect the truth, and to champion the truth," said Rabbi Shragi Greenbaum, director of Agudah's Rockland Office. "You have displayed courage to stand up to the darkness, and we encourage you – don't give up, because your light of truth will ultimately spread."

Many of the officials attending shared remarks with the attendees, addressing a variety of relevant issues, including solidarity with Israel, combatting the rise in antisemitism in America, increased security funding, improved zoning and safety laws, and school choice.

"When I see the fine people that we have here, I know that good will prevail in Rockland County," said District Attorney Tom Walsh.

New York State Senator Bill Weber spoke about his positive experiences attending a recent YahalomNY event and the Agudah convention. He reaffirmed his support of the Jewish community in New York State and described the work he is doing in Albany to combat antisemitism, including founding the Antisemitism Working Group and introducing two new pieces of legislation to help combat antisemitism in New York.

"I am ready to resume my commitment to fight the good fight as we embark on a new legislative session," said Senator Weber. "You have an advocate in Albany."

"We know the heart and soul of the Ramapo community is the Jewish community, which we thank G-d is thriving every day," said Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht. "We are committed to doing all we can to allow our community to continue to grow."

"The battle of good versus evil is upon us, and we need friends in high elected office who will unapologetically stand up for the Jewish community and for what's right," said Chaskel Bennett, introducing Congressman Mike Lawler.

"Hatred and racism of any kind should be clearly condemned and must be held accountable," said Congressman Lawler, condemning the college presidents who could not recognize calls for genocide of Jews as violations of their codes of conduct. on their campuses. "It is my responsibility as a member of Congress to not only stand up for Israel, but to stand up for the Jewish people. You will always have my friendship and my admiration."

Rockland County Legislator Itamar Yeager spoke about the importance of our community being unified.

"It really is my honor to represent this community in the New York State Assembly, and I am looking forward to going back to Albany in just a couple weeks," said Assemblyman John McGowan. "I will continue to be an advocate and a fighter for you."

The event was attended by a large number of legislators on all levels of government: Former New York State Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti, Village of Chestnut Ridge Trustee Paul Van Alstyne, New York State Assemblyman Karl Brabanec, Village of Airmont Mayor Nathan Bubel, Rockland County Human Rights Commissioner Spencer Chiimbwe, Rockland County Legislature Elect Beth Davidson, Rockland County Legislator Tony Earl, Joel Friedman of the Village of Spring Valley, Village of Chestnut Ridge Trustee Shmuli Fromowitz, Village of Pomona Mayor Ilan Fuchs, Harry Grossman of the East Ramapo School Board, Town of Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehman, Yisroel Kahan, Village of Pomona Deputy Mayor Mendy Lasker, US Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY), Yoeli Lefkowitz of the New York State Attorney General's Office, Mona Montal of the Town of Ramapo, Village of Airmont Deputy Mayor Shimon Moses, Former New York State Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick, Chaim Rose of the Village of Chestnut Ridge, Former New York State Assemblyman Daniel Rosenthal, Village of New Hempstead Mayor Abe Sicker, Rockland County Clerk Donna Silberman, Rockland County Legislator Phil Soskin, Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht, Village of New Square Mayor Izzy Spitzer, Village of Airmont Judge Alan Straus, Rockland County District Attorney Tom Walsh, Town of Ramapo Councilman David Wanounou, New York State Senator Bill Weber, Rockland County Legislator Aron Weider, Rockland County Legislator Itamar Yeger, and Yehuda Zorger of the Village of Airmont.

Yahalom NJ Night Our Provides Mothers with Relaxation, Rejuvenation, and Relationships continued:

The event's co-host, Mrs. Toby Tabak, spoke about the beginnings of Yahalom: "It is amazing how the Agudah saw this huge void in the chesed community and went above and beyond to fill the need for all of you here. I feel privileged to have been involved and so honored to be here amongst all of you incredible parents."

YahalomNJ thanks Agudah board member Mr. Shloimy and Mindy Zeldes for opening their home to host the event.

Yahalom is already receiving an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from last night's attendees. As one mother said, "The evening was beautiful, and I could tell how much time and effort went into making us mothers feel so special. Thank you, Yahalom, for always being here for us!"

"Since the beginning of Yahalom, our events have only grown bigger and bigger," said Mrs. Chana Laniado, director of YahalomNJ. "We are so grateful to see how many families are gaining inspiration, connection, and chizuk from our work, and we are honored to be a part of the incredible families we have met."

YahalomNJ, a division of Agudath Israel of America, was launched two years ago to provide resources and support to families of children with special needs. Following its success, Yahalom opened branches in New York, Chicago, Florida, and Maryland. Yahalom offers guidance and direction to parents, from helping them navigate government programs and school funding to organizing meals and support groups. YahalomNJ has serviced over 400 families, put out various directories to assist parents in making adequate connections, facilitated support groups for parents of children with special needs, and released guides to aid parents in specific parts of raising a child with special needs. YahalomNJ hosts men's, women's, and family events and educational workshops, and continues to expand its services to meet the needs of the families.

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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