Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 29 Kislev, 5784/December 12, 2023

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From: Agudah <>
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2023, 5:01 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel of Illinois 29 Kislev, 5784/December 12, 2023
To: <>

December 12, 2023 | 29 Kislev, 5784

  • The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a kuntris that discusses the halachos of Chanukah and Asara B'TevesClick here or scroll to download the kuntris.

  • Elevate your business at the H3 National Business Halacha Summit. See below for details and to register.

  • Please join us in showing appreciation and bidding farewell to Commander Joseph Brennan. Scroll for details.

  • See below or click here for halachos of proper disposal of Chanukah items.

  • Scroll for Pirchei Mishnas Shabbos shiurim locations.

  • Attention women and high school girls: Join us tonight in hearing words of chizuk and encouragement from Mrs. Aviva Feiner. Call in details below.

The Halachos of Chanukah

The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a kuntris that discusses the halachos of Chanukah and Asara B'Teves


The kuntris, Safah Berurah: The Halachos of Chanukah and Asara B'Teves, was compiled and written by Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, executive director of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbanim, and reviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois.

Download the Kuntris

Proper Disposal of Chanukah Items

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Agudath Israel of Illinois | 3434 W Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659
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