Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fwd: Parshat Vayeshev - Shabbat Chanukah - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Parshat Vayeishev with Reb Chaim Kramer

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This week's parsha, Vayeishev, contains several important historical facts pertaining to the Jewish Nation.

First, it speaks of the Patriarch Yaakov's attempts to settle the land.

Immediately we find the rift between the brothers and Yosef. This culminates in Yosef being sold as a slave into Egypt.

We then find Yehudah staying with Tamar which results in his sons Peretz and Zarach.

We return to Yosef's sojourn in Egypt, being enticed by Potiphar's wife, and subsequent imprisonment. He then correctly interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's officers, yet those he benefitted
forget all about him.

In each case, the Midrash explains that the incidents teach us tolerance and judging others favorably, while avoiding slander and jealousy.

In Yehudah's case, we find that the Sages said, "While you were calculating how to do away with Yosef and thus causing the first exile, HaShem was busy designing the final redemption." This is because the Mashiach will be a descendent of Yehudah's act with Tamar.

Yosef's test of morality was also designed by HaShem. Because Yosef withstood the test, he merited to become viceroy in Egypt and set the stage for the Jews' descent to Egypt that they, too, will survive the ultimate tests and be redeemed.

An interesting note to Yosef's test. When confronted by Potiphar's wife, the verse uses the word, vayema'ein (he refused). The cantillation note on the word vayema'ein is a shalshelet, a very long drawn out note.

Reb Yitzchok Breiter, a leading Breslover in Poland before the Second World War, would comment: That is the way to strengthen ourselves. We must refuse (the evil inclination's advances). It is understood that this is a long, drawn-out battle, and we must refuse the advances of evil!

Shabbat Shalom

Chaim Kramer

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Chanukah inner depth, of what we can accomplish today via the powerful light! Reb Chaim Kramer

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