Thursday, December 14, 2023

Fwd: Reading the Newspaper on Shabbos; The Civic Revolution in Israel; Leftover Chanukah Oil?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 14, 2023, 6:08 PM
Subject: Reading the Newspaper on Shabbos; The Civic Revolution in Israel; Leftover Chanukah Oil?
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Child Safety – Policies That Protect, Education That Empowers
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December 15-16, 2023 / 4 Tevet 5784


The last day of Chanukah is celebrated on Friday, December 15.


I Kings 3:15-4:1

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Policies That Protect, Education That Empowers
Policies That Protect, Education That Empowers

In this episode of The Jews Next Dor, OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer served as the guest host to finish off GenAleph's Child Safety series. Rabbi Hauer hosted conversations regarding best practices for establishing comprehensive child-safety policies and procedures in schools with educational leaders Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Ahuvah Heyman and Debbie Fox. Safety at camps and youth programs was addressed with leaders Keevy Fried, Lauren Shaivitz, Esq, LMSW, and Dr. Ditza Berger.

Watch Now
The Campus Clash of Free Speech and Antisemitism
Nathan Diament
The Campus Clash of Free Speech and Antisemitism

OU Advocacy's Nathan Diament's letter to the editor on the debate over free speech on campus was published in The New York Times.

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Parent-Son Winter Break Mission to Israel – Limited Spots Remain
Synagogue Initiatives
Parent-Son Winter Break Mission to Israel – Limited Spots Remain

Join the OU for a once in a lifetime experience that will combine a meaningful trip to Israel with beautiful bonding between a parent and son.

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The OU Women's Initiative Mission to Israel
Women's Initiative
The OU Women's Initiative Mission to Israel

Discover the inspiring journey of the OU Women's Initiative mission to Israel. Read and watch the impactful stories and experiences that highlight the mission's commitment to supporting the women, families and communities in Israel.

Find Out More
You Have the Power!
All Daf
You Have the Power!

You have the power to help us finish Shas! There's only one quarter of Shas left to learn in memory of Steve Neuwirth a"h, All Daf's visionary and founding supporter, for his first yahrzeit on January 2, 2024.

Join the Power of One Here
Michael Eisenberg: What's Next – The Civic Revolution in Israel
Michael Eisenberg: What's Next – The Civic Revolution in Israel

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, Michael Eisenberg, a venture capitalist and staunch defender of Israel, talks about how the people of Israel have risen to the occasion by creating a "civic revolution."

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The Hole Truth About Sufganiyot
Jewish Action
The "Hole" Truth About Sufganiyot

Find out the story of your favorite Chanukah treat.

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  Orthodox Union  
E-Cigarettes: Vaping and Tobacco Use by Youth in Our Community
Monday, December 18, at 5 pm EST

Join the second session of a two-part virtual training for parents, yeshiva and seminary teachers, healthcare professionals and Jewish communal leaders on modern techniques for harm reduction.

Register at
The Role of Music to Help and Heal
Tuesday, December 19, at 12 noon EST

Join SPIRIT for some music therapy and learn how music can help with stress and communication. Presented by Miriam Hendeles, MA, MT-BC.

Register Now
  OU Kosher  
Beyond the Grapevine
December 28 in Philadelphia, PA

Journey into the world of kosher wine, its production and relevant halachos.

Register Now
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Reading the Newspaper on Shabbos
Reading the Newspaper on Shabbos

Is it permitted to read the paper on Shabbos? Find out with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz! Plus, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon on how Chazal determined there were 39 categories of labor, Rabbi Reuven Brand on Shabbos lights and Chanukah lights, Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner on using baby wipes, and more!

Reading newspapers on Shabbos - Listen Now
More on l'Kadsho
Dreams and Destiny
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Dreams and Destiny

"I have dreamed a dream and I do not know what it means." These words are part of the paragraph we recite in the Diaspora between the phrases of Birkat Kohanim. Generally these words are understood as a plea of Hashem to make our dreams comprehensible.

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Who Stays?
Rabbi Menachem Genack
Who Stays?

At the end of the parasha, Yehuda accepts that all of the brothers will remain slaves in Egypt. But when Yosef responds that only Binyamin must remain, Yehuda argues that Binyamin should go free. What's going on?

Read in Hebrew
It's Dark Outside
Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l
It's Dark Outside

When it is at its darkest outside, the lights are beginning to stir on the inside, and sooner or later they will pierce the gloom of the outside world as well. For the Chanukah candles are indeed the heralds of the light of redemption.

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Reciting L'David and Mizmor Shir
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Reciting L'David and Mizmor Shir

We spent the past week recognizing Chanukah with, among other things, an extra Psalm after davening. A reader asks: Why do we recognize some occasions in this way, but not others?

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Sibling Rivalry
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l
Sibling Rivalry

The book of Bereishit explores the most profound source of conflict in history. The root of human conflict is sibling rivalry: Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, and now Joseph and his brothers.

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An End to Darkness
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
An End to Darkness

Since my early childhood, I've associated the day after Chanukah with sad feelings, feelings of loss. After all, for eight consecutive days, we celebrated with hallel v'hodaah, with praise and thanksgiving, with special foods and songs, and gifts.

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Why Did the Egyptians Hesitate to Approach Yosef for Food?
Rabbi Yitzy Fox
Why Did the Egyptians Hesitate to Approach Yosef for Food?

Learn the parsha like never before with these challenging parsha trivia questions!

Read Trivia Questions
Yosef and Mordechai Compared and Contrasted
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Yosef and Mordechai Compared and Contrasted

Often parshat Mikeitz and Chanukah coincide, yet there seems to be a similarity between Mikeitz and Purim as well.

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