Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Fw: 11 Facts About Nachshon, Son of Aminadav

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From: "Chabad.org Magazine" <inspiration@chabad.org>
To: "mates57564@aol.com" <mates57564@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 7:05 PM
Subject: 11 Facts About Nachshon, Son of Aminadav
Chabad.org Magazine
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Your Questions
Take a Deep Dive into Mikvah Construction

Take a Deep Dive into Mikvah Construction

What is a Chabad ("bor al gabai bor") Mikvah?

By Yehuda Shurpin


Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories
From Buddhism to Judaism

From Buddhism to Judaism

Rivka Goldstein grew up in Singapore, where she always felt she was searching for something "big." Her quest, which continued through her time at Harvard, led to her conversion to Judaism and eventually writing a book about the Jewish approach to leading a meaningful life.

Rivka Goldstein in conversation with Chana Weisberg

Watch (50:32)

Jewish News
Photographer Marc Asnin Chronicles the Humanity of the Down-and-Out

Photographer Marc Asnin Chronicles the Humanity of the Down-and-Out

How the Rebbe and Chabad prison chaplains influenced a photojournalist

By Yaakov Ort

America a Refuge for Families Displaced by Oct. 7th Attack

America a Refuge for Families Displaced by Oct. 7th Attack

Communities in Denver, Atlanta and Queens open their arms to refugees from Israel

By Nochie Wolf

21 Israeli Soldiers Killed in Deadliest Incident Since Start of Gaza War

21 Israeli Soldiers Killed in Deadliest Incident Since Start of Gaza War

Names of 17 released by IDF; grief and resolve in Israel following the loss

By Yaakov Ort

The 10th of Shevat and the Revolutionary Power of Each Individual

The 10th of Shevat and the Revolutionary Power of Each Individual

Marking 74 years since the Rebbe accepted leadership with Torah study

By Uziel Scheiner


By the Numbers
11 Facts About Nachshon, Son of Aminadav

11 Facts About Nachshon, Son of Aminadav

Learn about the biblical character known for his bravery as the first to enter the Sea of Reeds.

By Yehuda Altein

10 Questions: Take the Great Kabbalists Quiz

10 Questions: Take the Great Kabbalists Quiz

Test your knowledge of the defining figures in the history of Kabbalah.

By Menachem Posner


Hebrew Word of the Week

What Can the Hebrew Word for "Human" Teach You?

Between Heaven and Earth

By Mendel Kalmenson and Zalman Abraham


Planting a Family Tree

Planting a Family Tree

Family life is a piece of art in of itself. It's all about taking people, placing them on the same canvas, and making them interact in a way that creates a beautiful combination of personalities. It's a display of the depth of life, giving a higher meaning and purpose to our existence . . .

By Rucheli Manville

Can a Parent Be Strong and Flexible at the Same Time?

Can a Parent Be Strong and Flexible at the Same Time?

A Tu Bishvat Lesson From the Trees

By Elana Mizrahi

Elie Wiesel, Tefillin and the Holocaust

Elie Wiesel, Tefillin and the Holocaust

Tefillin in Auschwitz—and elsewhere

By Avraham Rosen


Keep on Walking!

Keep on Walking!

Life Lessons From the Parshah - Beshalach

By Yehoshua B. Gordon


The Life & Times of Reb Pinchas Reizes

The Life & Times of Reb Pinchas Reizes

Wealthy businessman, renowned rabbi, and devoted chassid.

By Leibel Kahan


10 Tu Bishvat Recipes to Make This Week

10 Tu Bishvat Recipes to Make This Week

By Miriam Szokovski

Chabad.org Radio
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