Thursday, January 25, 2024

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] Rabbi Travis - Much Ado About Cheesecake

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Rabbi Travis - Much Ado About Cheesecake
From: Rabbi Travis <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 05:42:56 PM CST
Subject: Much Ado About Cheesecake

Q&A Update

Jan 26th 2024 / 16 b'Shvat 5784

By Rabbi Daniel Travis
Rabbi Daniel Travis is Rosh Kollel of Kollel Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim and the author of a number of seforim, including Shailos Uteshuvos Toras Chaim and Praying With Joy 1-5, practical daily guides to improving one's prayers, available from Feldheim Publishers. 
For more information about his work or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email
Video Message from Rabbi Travis
Thanking Hashem When Things Look Bad # 1499 - Guranteeing Your Finances in Three Minutes a Day (1)

Questions & Answers

Based on divrei halachah heard from Rav Azriel Auerbach and Rav Shlomo Zafrani. The answers given here are the general rule, but each case is unique and must be referred to a posek.
Rav Azriel Auerbach
Rav Shlomo Zafrani
For a private appointment with the rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel, or to send questions, email Rabbi Travis at
Selected shailos will be printed in this column.
The author expresses his gratitude to
R' Naftali and Rivki Leshkowitz
who sponsor the shaylos and teshuvos program of Kollel Toras Chaim
and the weekly questions. For more information about Rabbi Travis's work
or to set up a shiur during one of his visits, email

Much Ado About Cheesecake

My wife and I were enjoying some delicious cheesecake that my chavrusa made. The cake was about
90% cheese, and the crust only made up a small part of the cake. In addition to the flour used for the crust, there was a tiny drop of flour added to the cheese to keep the cake together, but not to add taste to the cake.

Because of the large amount of cheese and the small amount of flour in the cheesecake, my wife assumed that cheese was the ikkar, the main part of the cake that one recites a brocha on. In her mind, the flour part of the cake was tofel, subsidiary, and no brocha was needed on it. Based on this evaluation, she recited shehakol before eating the cheesecake.

I am currently learning hilchos brachos in my kollel, and when we learned about the brocha on cheesecake, we concluded that in a scenario where the crust is not tasty and is only there to pick up the
cake or stop one's hands from getting dirty, the brocha is shehakol. However, if the crust is tasty and it is
turning the cheese into a proper cheesecake, the brocha on the whole cake is mezonos. In regards to this
cheesecake, it seemed to me that even though the cheese was the majority, still, since the crust is very
tasty, the brocha should be mezonos. I corrected my wife and advised her to recite mezonos.

The next day, when I came to kollel, I discussed this question with the other yungeleit and my rosh kollel.
After speaking with the chevrah, it occurred to me that I may have been too hasty in advising my wife to
recite mezonos on the cheesecake. Since the brocha of shehakol covers all food (Shulchan Aruch Orach
Chaim 204:13), maybe bedieved she was covered with her shehakol, and perhaps I did the wrong thing by telling her to recite mezonos. However, when I mentioned this shailah to my rosh kollel, he suggested derech limud that perhaps I did the right thing by directing my wife to recite mezonos. He explained that my wife had in mind that the correct brocha on the cake was shehakol and that the crust of the cake was tofel to the cake. This assumption was incorrect, and maybe in such a case the crust is not considered tofel to the cheese and perhaps one needs to recite a brocha on it.

My rosh kollel advised me to contact one of the poskim of the Yated about this. Meanwhile, right now, I
feel guilty that maybe I told my wife to do the wrong thing. I would be grateful if the rov could clarify this
issue for me.
Thank you.
N. M. M.

Rav Auerbach:
It was very noble of your rosh kollel to try and save you from causing your wife to recite a brocha she'eina tzricha through his interesting explanation. However, it is good that he said this b'derech limud and not as halacha lemaaseh, for I do not agree with his evaluation.

As you cited, the halacha is that when one recites shehakol on a food, even if this is not the correct
brocha, the brocha of shehakol exempts the food. Therefore, in regards to your question, since the cheese and the crust are all part of one piece of cake, when your wife recited shehakol on the cake, even though this was not the correct brocha, she exempted the entire cake from its brocha. Therefore, although you are correct that the brocha on the cake is mezonos, you were incorrect in instructing your wife to recite another brocha.

Rabbi Travis gives a daily shiur on
Thanking Hashem
for things that seem bad

See it at:
It can be accessed by telephone:
In the USA at:  (718) 521-5231, then dial 17-15-2.
In Israel at: (03) 617-1190, then dial 22.
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Wall Street Torah
is an organization founded by Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg z"tl and under the leadership of other authorities in Choshen Mishpat and business law that is run by Rabbi Daniel Travis.

The organization aims to meet twice a year in Manhattan to discuss issues relevant to business people.

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