Monday, January 29, 2024

Fw: Shiurim Resume This Week + Exciting Beit Medrash News!

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From: "Congregation KINS" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
Subject: Shiurim Resume This Week + Exciting Beit Medrash News!

Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park

Please join in the many Shiurim and learning opportunities this week as all the regular Shiurim resume.  

In addition, we are excited to announce that our Beit Medrash is expanding! In addition to the Monday night Beit Medrash from 8:00pm-9:00pm, beginning this week there will be a weekly open Beit Medrash on Tuesday night as well!  Please bring a Chavrutah and help our growing community of learning.  If you are interested in finding a Chavrutah please let contact

1:00 PM: 
Amud Hashavua with Rabbi Goldstein-

8:00 PM:
  Open Beit Medrash- Come and join our growing Beit Medrash!

8:00 PM:  From the Dayans Desk with HaRav Reiss (for men) will not meet and will resume Feb 5


12:30 PM  "Big Ideas and Inights":  Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Leibtag

8:00 PM:
  Open Beit Medrash- Come and join our growing Beit Medrash!


12:00 PM: Daytime Dialogues:  This week with Dr. Chesner

1:00 PM: Tehillim Shiur with Rabbi Goldstein 
8:00 PM: Semichas Chaver with Rabbi Leibtag 

9:00 PM: Cholent and Schmooze

Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park
2800 W. North Shore Ave • 3003 West Touhy Ave • Chicago, IL 60645

P773.761.4000 • F773.761.4959 •

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