Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Fwd: New! Nach Yomi on the All Parsha App

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From: All Torah <>
Date: Wed, Jan 31, 2024, 1:48 PM
Subject: New! Nach Yomi on the All Parsha App
To: <>

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Dear All Torah Friends,


We are excited to share that beginning tomorrow, February 1st, you will be able to learn Nach Yomi on the All Parsha app.

What is Nach Yomi?

With Nach Yomi, participants can complete all of Nach - the books of Neviim and Kesuvim - in a mere two years at the rate of a chapter a day. With Nach Yomi and parsha study, every Jew can master all of Tanach, our foundational books.

How will All Parsha enhance the Nach Yomi learning experience?


  • A daily shiur with Rabbi Ya'akov Trump.
  • A daily shiur with Rabbi Shalom Rosner. 
  • A daily shiur from various women speakers courtesy of Torat Imecha of the OU's Women's Initiative. 
  • We hope to add other content and shiurim in the near future.

Coming Soon! A calendar to mark off and keep track of your daily learning, similar to the other calendars on the All Torah platform.


Where can I find the Nach Yomi calendar and shiurim?

This will be available on the homepage of the All Parsha app with a toggle to switch back and forth between Nach and Parsha.

How much does it cost?

Like everything else on the All Torah platform, you'll receive a high-quality product with a great user experience free of charge. With the requisite funding, we will also be able to create an audio shiur with a clear and simple reading of the pesukim, similar to Rabbi Resnik's content on All Parsha: 

  • Approximate cost- $30,000 annually
  • Advertising and marketing budget for print and digital media - $30,000 for launch.

How can you help?

Partner with us!

Available Dedications:  

  • $50,000: Dedication for Year 1 of the Nach Yomi learning cycle on All Parsha.
  • $100,000: Dedication of the entire Nach Yomi learning cycle on All Parsha.
  • $3,600-$18,000: Sefer Dedications (Yehoshua, Shoftim, etc.) and other dedication opportunities.
  • $180- Daily sponsorship opportunities.

As always, please feel free to reach out about dedication opportunities or questions and comments.  We hope that you will enjoy this new feature on All Parsha.


Moshe Schwed

Director, All Torah

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