Monday, January 1, 2024

Fwd: The Rambam and Kabbalah

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Mon, Jan 1, 2024, 2:59 PM
Subject: The Rambam and Kabbalah
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 Chof Teves, 5784 — January 1, 2024
Today, 20 Teves, is the yahrzeit of the famed Rambam. The Rambam has a unique relationship with Chassidus, as clearly demonstrated by the Rebbe's well-known takanah instituting the daily study of Rambam, as well as the many sichos of the Rebbe on Rambam. This special connection of the Rambam to Chassidus, however, is not a novel discovery of this generation, but was in fact brought to light years prior.
In honor of this auspicious day, Sichos in English is sharing a collection of sichos from the Rebbe Rayatz about the Rambam, culled from the Malamud Edition - Sefer HaSichos, translated by Uri Kaploun. The excerpts discuss the Rambam's connection to Kabbalah and Chassidus, and present illuminating insights of Chassidus into several statements of the Rambam.
Learn these selections on this special day to gain a unique appreciation of who the Rambam truly was.
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