Thursday, January 25, 2024

Fwd: The Symbolism of Chamishah Asar BeShvat

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From: Sichos in English <>
Date: Thu, Jan 25, 2024, 12:25 PM
Subject: The Symbolism of Chamishah Asar BeShvat
To: <>

Chamishah Asar BeShvat, 5784 — January 25, 2024

Today is Chamishah Asar BeShvat, "the Rosh HaShanah of the Trees."
What relevance does this day have to us - human beings? There must be more to it than just eating fruit!
In honor of this special day, Sichos in English is releasing an excerpt from the upcoming 2-volume series Selections from Likkutei Sichos - Moadim, giving insight into what Chamishah Asar BeShvat is truly about.
Learn these 2 sichos to explore the unique "growth power" which trees possess, reflecting their G-dly life-source, and find out how mankind can emulate and apply this distinct quality.

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