Thursday, February 15, 2024

Fw: [-aneinu] [Chazak v'Amatz 39] More missiles flying -- daven... Two hostages freed and SO much backstory -- in four parts!

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] [Chazak v'Amatz 39] More missiles flying -- daven... Two hostages freed and SO much backstory -- in four parts!

Refuah Shelaimah for Simcha Dov Ber ben Chaya Frayda

b'soch she'ar cholei yisrael


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7 Adar 1, 5784

Inspirational stories from this war, miracles, chessed, Shabbos stories... our spiritual growth...more!

Compiled by Tamar Ansh


SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED in just a few days – it's not even a full week since I wrote the last Chazak installment – that I've just been overwhelmed with HOW to begin! And not only that, since we live in an environment today that everything is literally immediate, by the time I finish lining up all the clips, uploading everything, typing it all out – it's probably old news to many of you! And then I feel like, oiysh, should I even share this – you probably heard it already…but for those of you that didn't, here's the "newest" miracle Hashem has gifted us with.

FIRST: I'm sure you heard that Tzfat and the nearby areas were hit today. Please daven harder or say one more perek Tehillim than you normally would! Each and every perek said on behalf of Eretz Yisrael is our literal best defense.

NOW…you have to hear all of this.

I'm sure you all heard that we got back 2 more of our hostages – without a horrible hostage "exchange" with evil doers. Chasdei Hashem, Yisborach Shemo l'ad!

B'Chasdei Hashem -Fernando Simon Marman (60) and Louis Har (70), kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak on October 7, were rescured in joint IDF, Israel Security Agency and Israel Police operation in Rafah.Miracles upon miracles - no one was hurt in the rescue and both Louis Har and Fernando Simon are in good condition and were taken to Sheba hospital.

The links of our remaining hostages have been updated here.

Here's more backstory…

Part ONE:

I got this from another reader-friend. Now, here's what you need to hear. This is from Marlene Kolangi. She was in Israel a few weeks ago visiting the families and she is close with the family of Lois. In her own words, here is what she said:

"I want to share with you a story regarding the two hostages that Israel was able to rescue tonight. Three weeks ago, I spent Shabbos in Israel with three hostage women that were released on the second to last day of the exchange. One is named Clara. She's a 64 year old woman who was married to Louis.

At that time – just a mere three weeks ago, Loius was still one of the people still held hostage. Clara was not a frum (religiously observant) woman, never even lit Shabbos candles in her entire life.

Clara was abducted (on Oct 7th) along with her brother, her husband, her sister and her daughter who were released with her on the same day. Louis's three daughters were at this meal Shabbos meal with me as well and I got to intimately know this family and they were incredible, incredible people, yet they have zero affiliation to Yiddishkeit. (Judaism.) Clara never lit Shabbos candles ever before, as I mentioned.

And this Shabbos that she spent with us was the very first time she's done it (lit candles and kept Shabbos) in 64 years!

And Clara said, that for the very first time, she felt a hug from above something she cannot really articulate or explain.

But she felt at that very moment that everything was going to be okay.

So she vowed from that moment on to hold on to that feeling and light Shabbos candles every week.

Moving forward until Louis is released…just 2 days ago…think about it…Clara lit Shabbos candles three weeks in a row, should I say?

Three weeks? Yeah, three or four weeks in a row.

And Baruch Hashem, Luis & Fernando are FREE!

Right now, (this was recorded 2 days ago) her brother is in Sheba Hospital and they're (Clara and her daughters) are on their way to go meet with them.

But the story goes beyond that.

Louis's three daughters who also had zero affiliation with Yiddishkeit had a very, very hard time understanding and accepting. It was really hard for them.

I come across so many people like myself, frum women, frum men, who just gave them so much love and warmth and hope and understanding that they're not in this alone and they really, really, really care.

And because of THIS, so these young women had a whole different level of love, from Am Yisrael and for the frum velt (the religious world) because they saw us in a very different light.

And who knows if that period of time with all that torment that they went through and all the ahavas chinam (unconditional love) that they were able to see didn't change their lives forever!!

Tonight, they got to reap those benefits.

Their father and their uncle are coming home.

I just wanted to share that with you as I am so emotional over here today, I called them.  They're on their way to Sheba Hospital. They're already there, Louis and Fernando are there. His wife, the daughter, the sisters, they're all on their way. And I just had to share this with you…"

馃専You can hear Marlene saying it herself right here!

Okay, now, part 2 of this story.

Again, got this from another friend and reader…

The daughter and son-in-law of Louis Har came to the USA last week as part of a delegation sent to raise awareness on the hostage situation in Gaza. The two of them visited the gravesite of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens, before flying out to Florida to give a talk. During their visit at the Chabad House in the Five Towns, the local shaliach encouraged them to be mechazek in their Yiddishkeit as a zechus. The daughter undertook to light Shabbos candles and her husband committed to putting on tefillin and to buy a pair of tefillin for his father-in-law, Louis, so that he can start wearing them once he's freed. Barely a week later, Louis has—b'chasdei Hashem—been freed.

Part 3!

Many of you also saw the president of Argentina, Havier (Javier) Mieli, who came to Israel a short while ago, davenning by the Kotel.

He is not Jewish – but he is known as someone who is one of the biggest Jew lovers, supports Israel and he himself keeps saying that he wants to convert. He says that he loves the Bible, he loves Jews and he considers himself a follower of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt'l! He came to Israel and one of the first things he wanted to do was to go to the Kotel to pray. In fact, like the video attests to, he really cried. Real tears! When do you ever see an international leader cry like that?? He really did pray from his heart.

Here's a download of one of the videos of his visit to the Kotel here.

A little while later, we learn that 2 hostages were rescued. And who where they? Both of them are originally from – Argentina.

Now, I am not going to make an inferences here. But the story and how it is connected is beyond wild. 

Going further into it, this man who posted this, Jeremy Gimpel (of Arugot Habosem farms) he actually brings in a Gemara that talks about the name of the person who will herald in the coming of Moshiach. He lists several opinions. And the last opinion, Sanhedrin, Tractate 98b, says that this person will be named "讞讜讜讬专讗" – and based on the interpretation of that word, many assumed it meant something 'white' since it is not a name. So different opinions say it's someone who is white – like a leper…

Yet look at what happened here. That name from the Gemara…the name of this Argentinian leader who so badly wants to convert, and who, after he was by the Kotel he went to visit Yad Vashem, and there he gave a speech about the bais hamikdosh and the words of Rabbi Akiva about destruction and ultimate rebuilding…and what is his name??? Havier – in Hebrew the Israelis spell his name nearly the same as the Gemara!! 讞讜讜讬专讗 !! With an aleph or a hey at the end, I'm not sure.

You can listen to Jeremy Gimpel tell over this whole thing himself right here. I found it more than just fascinating. It's enough to give you the chills.

I don't know how to interpret this one – I just thought it gives us food for thought…

Part 4 (yes it keeps getting more and more and more!)

There's a young Morah named Tziri Preis who is in Baltimore. She started a daily Tehillim with I think over 10,000 (!!!) children who say Tehillim every day for the Israeli soldiers and Eretz Yisrael. It's called Inkredible Kids. On that Sunday, she invited Noam, a singer who is also an IDF solider to sing with the kids and tell them more about being a soldier. On the day of the rescue, she then did something she never did before.

Then when they started Tehillim perek chaf – 20 – she asked the boy leading the Tehillim to do something for Hashem, to show that we rely only on Hashem – it's not the army, it's not our Iron Domes, it's not any power anywhere it's ONLY Hashem who is protecting us and giving the soldiers the means by which to fight and we need Hashem to protect them and us – she asked him to scream out this passuk from that chapter of Tehillim: 讗诇讛 讘专讻讘 讜讗诇讛 讘住讜住讬诐 讜讗谞讞谞讜 讘砖诐 讬讛讜讛 讗诇讜拽讬谞讜 谞讝讻讬专 (These fight with chariots and these with horses, but we (rely on) go only with the name of Hashem our G-d that we call out to!)

And this boy, Moshe, did it!. And literally thousands of children screamed it out after him.

The time in the States when this happened was 6:49 pm EST.

The time of the rescue in Israel, that same day was…1:49 a.m. Israel time.


But don't listen to this from me.

Let's hear Morah Tziri tell it over herself. You can see her clip about this right here!

Now, let's take a look at all this. I am no Rebbetzin or prophet or teacher or anything at all. I'm just a regular lady that spends too much time writing up emails.

BUT – and here is my humble take on this – I kind of think it's rather simple.

Hashem is talking to us LOUD AND CLEAR. It's so LOUD and it's so CLEAR that its coming at us from literally every angle.

He doesn't want us to say, But we didn't know the Geula is coming!!

Because if you're a frum Jew – we have it in our texts and we're supposed to believe. These kinds of stories should just be backing up our already in place belief in Hashem.

And if you're less affiliated or you didn't have a chance to grow up frum and are only learning now – He is sending us messages from all areas of the internet and social and on and on in very plain language that anyone can understand.

And if you're not even Jewish, He's not letting them off the hook either, He is sending us outright messages from other non Jews!

And I can go on about this. But really, it should give us even more STRENGTH to go on.

Because it's not that "Moshiach is coming soon."

It's that – like Rav Golubmeck keeps on shouting: Moshiach is already here! He just has to reveal himself! But he is HERE and he is NOT LEAVING US THIS TIME! (He has sources for this but I don't have them in front of me.) And like Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt'l kept saying – MOSHIACH IS AT OUR DOOR!!

This should give us GREAT, GREAT chizuk and strength.

And it should also make us RUN TO DO MORE.

Because once Moshiach does come – you won't get the reward for mitzvahs and prayer and Emunah under such trying conditions – by then it will be so very clear that reward will end.

SO we have to DO AS MUCH AS WE CAN – and THEN SOME MORE – right NOW while we still can get all the merits possible.

Let's "rake our nisyonos for all they are worth" now, while we are still stuck in them and still in pain from them – but with the happiness in our hearts that what we do REALLY DOES MATTER.

You know, I wish I knew the source for this. So, if you do, please enlighten me. But I remember learning that when Moshiach comes, the world will be a very small place.

Ladies – look at us. News travels faster than you can literally blink today. In fact, I'm not even sure it was worth the lost sleep I went through in order to type this up – b/c likely by the time I've finished typing it and uploading it, all of this is probably OLD NEWS already == and it's not even three days old yet! Our messages literally travel all over the world in nanoseconds.

Isn't that called that the world is a "very small place"???

Okay, let's end with one more special thought.

On Thanking Hashem, continued...

One of our Chazak readers – Penina M – sent me this beautiful thought, after the short email I sent you a few days ago about thanking Hashem for this newest miracle. In fact, I'm going to quote it exactly as Penina wrote it to me – it's so on target!

"I am no Rebbetzin but my Rabbonim taught me that whenever we say thank you to HaShem (just like you explained) we bring incredible bracha into our lives. The continuation is that at that point we should ask HaShem for more, we should ask for any yeshua that we need.

We learn this from Leah when she named Yehuda. The passuk says:

讜ַ转ַּ讛ַ专 注讜ֹ讚 讜ַ转ֵּ诇ֶ讚 讘ֵּ谉, 讜ַ转ֹּ讗诪ֶ专 讛ַ驻ַּ注ַ诐 讗讜ֹ讚ֶ讛 讗ֶ转 讛' 注ַ诇 讻ֵּ谉 拽ָ专ְ讗ָ讛 砖ְׁ诪讜ֹ, 讬ְ讛讜ּ讚ָ讛; 讜ַ转ַּ注ֲ诪ֹ讚, 诪ִ诇ֶּ讚ֶ转 (讘专讗砖讬转- 驻专砖转 讜讬爪讗- 驻专拽 讻"讟, 驻住讜拽 诇"讛)

Chazal teach us that she stopped giving birth because she didn't ask for more children. Although she is praised for giving thanks to HaShem she should have included a request from HaShem to continue having children.

I just read your gorgeous email and thought about the amazing opportunity that we all have to ask HaShem for even more yeshuot."

She is RIGHT! Let's keep on asking! Hashem is obviously hearing us!

And now let's end with something to make you smile.馃榾

And just because we're already in the spirit of Adar and Purim – and for sure all the bakeries here in Israel are already celebrating…here's a picture of updated 'Haman-taschen"

They've been renamed in honor of our present day Haman, may his name be forever blotted out…take a good look here. 馃槀

Read what they're called!

Have a great day and Shabbos! I'm sure there is more and more and more to share but wow, this is a lot for one email!

With blessings for a good day, filled with yeshuos and shemira for all of Klal Yisrael.

CHAZAK V'AMATZ -- Stay Strong!

Have a lichtegih, amazing, special Shabbos!,

Tamar Ansh

Yerushalayim Ihr Hakodesh, 转转讘讘"讗

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