Friday, February 2, 2024

Fw: [chicago-aneinu] [Chazak v'Amatz 37] What CAN we really do??...a special shemirah...beautiful songs...

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Subject: [chicago-aneinu] [Chazak v'Amatz 37] What CAN we really do??...a special shemirah...beautiful songs...
From: Tamar Ansh <>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 11:31:40 PM CST
Subject: [Chazak v'Amatz 37] What CAN we really do??...a special shemirah...beautiful songs...

לעילוי נשמת Malka Devora ba-s Avrohom

a dear, special friend who made such a difference in my growth and life, who lit up all around her with joy

May the chizuk gained from this episode be a merit for her neshama


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 23 Shevat, 5784

Inspirational stories from this war, miracles, chessed, Shabbos stories... our spiritual growth...more!

Compiled by Tamar Ansh


To all my readers, hello again.

A lot has happened since we were last in touch. It's only been a bit less than 2 weeks since our last Chazak email yet so much, so much. 

Acknowledging our loss

I have something special to share about the loss of so many soldiers all in one day -- this will come next time as I need to format it before sending it out.


Because of the program I was running this past week, I could not fit in a proper email. I need to be able to focus my thoughts and really arrange good materials for each of our emails so it had to wait until now.


Hostages update, from Gitty Normile:

Here's the most recent list. Sadly, several names are taken off of it, not because they were released – but only because they are known to have been murdered. Its so heavy and sad. We still need to daven stronger.

And I know how hard it is.

We have a small Tehillim daily group in my building. And just today I told the hostess whose home it's in, that it's really the main thing that keeps me feeling connected to the war and the hostages and everything else – and that I really hope we don't discontinue it, until we hear really good news. Because I need to feel that somehow I'm doing something physical and meaningful for this war and not just "going on with our lives." Just thinking about the men on the front, in the cold and the rain, and all that danger nearby them…and the hostages, and the suffering – makes us feel lost and unmoored. Like what we do ...does it help?

The Tehillim booklets (we just got new ones!) that we are using have "chizuk" statements on the different pages. And it truly came at just the right moment. For our next email I think I will copy some of them off so I can share them with you, together with their sources. It was truly 'mechazek' us. Every woman commented on them! I only remember one right now and it said: "When Jews gather together to say Tehillim, the Shechina (G-d's Presence) rests with them when they are together…"

And like my neighbor said: Yes. There is a special power/ koach to actually being together while we say the Tehillim – not just dividing it and each lady going home to say it. For me, I concentrate so much better davka because of the group energy and I'm grateful to have this way to give at least a little something to Klal Yisrael's zechus.

There were many short quotes about the power of Tehillim of even "just one Jew" – and I know this will help you as much as it did me. 

So even though I know it's hard, let's keep on. YES – "even" just one chapter of Tehillim and "even from just one Jew", makes a huge difference.

For your convenience, here's the transliterated Tehillim we used at our big Global Challah + Prayer event we did over 2 months ago, so you can print it off and reuse it now as well.

👉 Free Tehillim to say each day (5 chapters) for this war, click here for the interlinear version, a pdf for print

👉 Free Tehillim pdf download of the 5 chapters to say each day for this war, click here for the transliterated Tehillim


One of our readers, Rivka J, sent me this beautiful idea. And I think she's right, that it should be shared.

Here's what she wrote me:

I heard a story from R' David Ashear. He said that the redemption in mitzrayim was brought about by the noshim tzidkoniyos, the special women of that generation, and one of the versions was of the was that they didn't talk loshon hora., they didn't speak badly of each other.

The Chofetz Chaim writes it's a segula to have your tefillos answered to have a pure mouth that doesn't speak loshon hora and that's why we say at the end of shemoneh esrei 'elokei netzor leshoni merah usfosei medaber mirmah' - help me that I shouldn't say anything bad.

Another midrash says that in the days of Shaul Hamelech there were people who were full of Torah but they did speak loshon hora -- and they lost their wars. But in the days of the wicked king Achav who did avodah zora, there the people were careful with loshon hora and they won their wars.

If we want to have zechusim for Eretz Yisrael, this is one of the primary ways: shemiras haloshon – learning the laws of proper speech.

(By the way, there's an entire organization dedicated to this – see it here, the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation:

The Chofetz Chaim made a birthday party at the age of 90 yrs. He was asked 'Rebbi, you never made a birthday party in your life, why are you making one now?' He replied because my whole life I told everyone to guard their mouths, it says in the posuk "if you guard your tongue you'll have a long life," and I hit 90 years, so I want to publicize that Hashem gave me a long life. In those days the average lifespan was till age 50 and he lived till over 90 because he guarded his mouth.

The main thing is learning the halachos properly, to know when to say, how to say and then coupled with actually doing it and guarding your mouth.

R' David Ashear then concludes with the following story:

This man telling the story says that he was inspired by somebody else that got up to speak.

He said 'you have to do 40 days straight of no loshon hora of every hour of the day, it saved my life, it saved my family's life.

Just then, a different man in the crowd was convinced, and HE said: "I have an older son and older daughter who are both still not married. And we tried everything, I want to do this for them."

So this man gathered together 11 of his friends, family and acquaintances to accept upon themselves every hour of the 24 hrs not to say loshon hora – plus to learn the laws from one of the many English books on this topic, doing two halachos a day.

They took it upon themselves in the zechus of his son and daughter. He said it was amazing, in the middle, on the 20th day his daughter got an offer and it was amazing, it was going great and then on the 38th day they were told that we'll let you know in a couple of days if we want to go ahead with the marriage. He was thinking, ' day 40, it's unbelievable'!

Day 40 comes they call them up and say, everything looks great really, you have a great daughter, but I don't think it's going to work out..

"I was devasted H-shem - on day 40? How could this be?"

He called up his friends, he said 'guys, were you doing your part properly?' one guy said, 'I fell out after the first week, I'm sorry' and another said ' I wasn't so careful, I'm sorry'. He said, 'no it's not okay, I really need you, I was depending on you, please help!" So they agreed to try again. And then regrouped full force ahead.

He said 'on the second time round, my son found his shidduch 20 days into it and by the 30th day he was engaged!!

I told them 'Please, let's do it again for my daughter' and they agreed. They did it again a second time and somewhere in the middle his daughter also got engaged.

This man said 'I have to tell everyone, this is the number one segulah, we have to do it. So they started doing it for others in the community. He said, a woman called him, they did this 40 day segulah that his son should get married and she told him after the 40th day he got engaged!

Says R' Ashear 'the power of everything we do in Torah and mitzvot is amazing but especially the power of shmiras hasloshon. Let us strengthen ourselves and really believe we're helping people and that we're helping ourselves.

The shiur R' Ashear gave was dedicated specifically for people that are awaiting their shidduch.

But I really believe that if all of us who receive your email take it upon themselves to group up with friends and family and make a 40-day period of learning 2 halachos a day of shmiras haloshon and not to say loshon hora around the clock as a zechus for our situation right now, we can experience tremendous yeshous for our captives, the soldiers and all of Am Yisroel!

Be'H we can bring about so many yeshuos! Hashem will see all the efforts we put in and He'll smile down at us and may we see so many yeshuos through our shmiras hasloshon very soon.


Ladies – this is her exact email to me. She did all the work of typing it up and saved me the time and it's her merit that she is so right about!

So let's start – can we?
Can we do a 40 day campaign – to end this war, to bring home our soldiers AND our captives, alive and well?

To actively take part in bringing the Geula?

I feel we really CAN. We've been such a strong group all this time. SO many, many of you wrote to me with your undertakings, (*your kabbalos), with your efforts for Shabbos, with so much more.

Can we do this 40-day campaign?  As a group? To strengthen in Shemiras Halashon? And maybe also a small, small commitment in any area of modesty as well (tznius)?

I would love to know that at least 40 people from here, women and children, will join.

Hit reply and let me know you did. I will count the responses and let you know the number next time, bli neder!

It will be mechazek so many more people.



Now, just to end with a short clip or two, because I know that's what we all love best…

Here's a video of Avraham Fried singing for the men at the front. To give chizuk! He is a Kohen himself; hence he started with that bracha for all the men there.

Here's the words to the song:

Hashem look at your children.
d, שנזכה "קָהּ זְכוּת אָבוֹת יָגֵן עָלֵינוּ
נֶצַח יִשְׂרָאֵל מִצָּרוֹתֵינוּ גְאָלֵנוּ
וּמִבּוֹר גָּלוּת דְּלֵנוּ וְהַעֲלֵנוּ
לְנַצֵּחַ עַל מְלֶאכֶת בֵּית ה'"

"G-d, may the merit of our Fathers protect us/ Protector of Israel, redeem us from our tzaros/ and from the pit of Galus, from our lowest point, raise us up, save us/ and redeem us / to triumph and do the work of the House of Hashem"

And one more song. The ending line of this one really, really hit home.

The name of the singer is on the video. It's called "The Sounds of Sirens."

Watch it here.

There's always so much more to say but I must get ready for Shabbos.

May we share good news together! Keep strong!

With blessings for a good day, filled with yeshuos and shemira for all of Klal Yisrael.

CHAZAK V'AMATZ -- Stay Strong!

Have a lichtegih, amazing, special Shabbos,

Tamar Ansh

Yerushalayim Ihr Hakodesh, תתבב"א

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Have a great day! 😀



Clips and links are public property. 

The personal writing, translations and thoughts expressed here are my own, and therefore, if you want to share this, please forward the email in its entirety-- there's even a "forward this email" link at the bottom of every one of my emails. And thank you! Let's spread the chizuk further!

If you want to contact me about publishing or using some of the writing itself, please email me directly. 

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Challah...Special shidduchim stories...AMEN and brachos in your life!... and of course, Let's Get Bentching, too! 

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A Taste of Challah!

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Riding the Waves

Packed with incredible, true stories of how others met their soul-mates, that will leave you moved and inspired like never before

Let's Say Amen!

The book on Amen and brachos that changed the way children (and their parents) say this potent word for life! Join thousands of others who have already bought this book and change the way you say Amen!

Let's Get Bentching!

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