Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Fw: PARSHAH PICKS: The Benefit of Sacrifice (Terumah)

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Subject: PARSHAH PICKS: The Benefit of Sacrifice (Terumah)
Parshah Picks
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General Overview

G‑d commands the Israelites to build a Tabernacle. He provides the exact details of how to construct it, and how to build the different instruments and vessels which were used therein.
The Benefit of Sacrifice

The Benefit of Sacrifice

If G-d desired a Tabernacle, why didn't He provide the materials and funds Himself?

By Yehoshua B. Gordon


Terumah in a Nutshell

Terumah in a Nutshell

Exodus 25:1–27:19


Terumah Haftarah Companion

Terumah Haftarah Companion

For an informed reading of I Kings 5:26–6:13

By Mendel Dubov


Terumah Parshah Quiz

Terumah Parshah Quiz

Take this quiz to see how well you know the parshah of Terumah.

By Menachem Posner


3 Life Lessons From the Mishkan

3 Life Lessons From the Mishkan

For the first time since leaving Egypt, the people were being asked to become active participants.

By Katia Bolotin

Great and Grand or Small and Simple?

Great and Grand or Small and Simple?

G-d does not require spectacular spires or museums to house His holy presence. Where is He found? In the nitty-gritty nuts and bolts of a simple synagogue.

By Yossy Goldman

Why Read the Ketubah at the Wedding?

Why Read the Ketubah at the Wedding?

A ketubah is far from (just) a contract of love. In fact, it's pretty much the exact opposite.

By Aharon Loschak


Is Religion a Rubber Ducky?

Is Religion a Rubber Ducky?

If being an adult means being rational, then what does it mean to be a child? Does it mean being irrational? To the extent that religion involves the childlike gesture of "faith" (Emunah), it would seem to be an irrational, immature enterprise. Unless of course there is a viable adult alternative to Rationalism and Irrationalism alike.

By Michael Chighel

Watch (6:21)
Why You Should Be a Fake

Why You Should Be a Fake

Parshat Terumah

By Chana Weisberg

Watch (1:38)
Shazak Parsha: Terumah

Shazak Parsha: Terumah

A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!

By Moshe Moscowitz

Watch (4:48)


Basic Parsha - Terumah

An overview of the weekly Parsha, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded.

By Marty Goodman

Listen (91:49)

Parshah Thought: Terumah

A five minute weekly Torah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.

By Berel Bell

Listen (5:24)

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