Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Fwd: 3,000 Jewish Teens Gather in Times Square in Prayer and Song

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From: Chabad.org Magazine <inspiration@chabad.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 27, 2024, 6:54 PM
Subject: 3,000 Jewish Teens Gather in Times Square in Prayer and Song
To: agentemes4@gmail.com <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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Chabad.org Magazine

By the Numbers
11 Facts About Counting the Israelites in the Desert

11 Facts About Counting the Israelites in the Desert

Do you know how many times the Israelites were counted in the desert?

By Yehuda Altein

Twelve Tips for the Jew That Just Started Keeping Jewish

Twelve Tips for the Jew That Just Started Keeping Jewish

In case you're feeling overwhelmed, here's a hand to hold and a little guidance.

By Tzvi Freeman

10 Questions: Take the Ishmael Quiz

10 Questions: Take the Ishmael Quiz

A biblical character who was a father of nations, how much do you know about Ishmael?

By Menachem Posner


Your Questions
Is Hamsa Jewish?

Is Hamsa Jewish?

This amulet of a hand, often with an open eye, is common in some Jewish circles. Is it kosher?

By Menachem Posner


Hebrew Word of the Week

What Can the Hebrew Word for "Nature" Teach You?

Nature's Façade

By Mendel Kalmenson and Zalman Abraham


Halachah for Life
What You Need to Know About Saturday Night (Motzoei Shabbat)

What You Need to Know About Saturday Night (Motzoei Shabbat)

The evening following Shabbat has particular significance. It is associated with Prophet Elijah & the final Redemption.

By Yehuda Shurpin


Ordinary People; Extraordinary Stories
The Stock Exchange Doesn't Compare to Mothering

The Stock Exchange Doesn't Compare to Mothering

A conversation with a mother of five who manages to juggle the worlds of parenting, high-powered finance, and deep Chassidic spirituality.

Devorah Batashvili in conversation with Chana Weisberg

Watch (43:09)

Jewish News
Two Years of War for Ukraine and Its Jews

Two Years of War for Ukraine and Its Jews

Blending the new normal of war with the surreal in Israel

By Uziel Scheiner

An Heirloom Torah's Journey From Jerusalem to Afghanistan to Hong Kong

An Heirloom Torah's Journey From Jerusalem to Afghanistan to Hong Kong

A family's dedication to preserving Jewish life wherever they live

By Nancy K. S. Hochman

3,000 Jewish Teens Gather in Times Square in Prayer and Song

3,000 Jewish Teens Gather in Times Square in Prayer and Song

200 Israeli teens lead prayers at gathering from 50 countries

By Moshe New

50 Orphaned Girls Bonded by Loss at Jerusalem Bat Mitzvah

50 Orphaned Girls Bonded by Loss at Jerusalem Bat Mitzvah

Colel Chabad program supports children who have lost a parent

By Noa Amouyal


Angels and Signs

Angels and Signs

"Yisrael! We have good news and bad news. Bad news: we're way out of our four-block radius. Good news: we're five minutes away from the one house that we were not planning on going to!"

By Levi Avtzon


From the Golden Calf to the Silicon Chip

From the Golden Calf to the Silicon Chip

Life Lessons From the Parshah - Ki Tisa

By Yehoshua B. Gordon

Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up?

Chur, Aaron, Moses – Three Styles of Leadership

By Sholom Kesselman


Torah Light

Torah Light

14 Adar, 5732 · February 29, 1972

Living Torah

Watch (5:31)

Happy Are We

Happy Are We

The chassid hurried through the streets of Karlin, heading to the home of Rabbi Aharon. Suddenly a Russian policeman stood before him, blocking his path. Immediately the chassid's hands were bound . . .

By Mirish Kiszner


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