Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Fwd: Live from Yarchei Kallah - Pidyon Peter Chamor - 12:45 pm EST

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Feb 21, 2024, 10:13 AM
Subject: Live from Yarchei Kallah - Pidyon Peter Chamor - 12:45 pm EST
To: <>

We are pleased to share with you a very special livestream broadcast from the Agudah Yarchei Kallah, where there will be a pidyon peter chamor shortly. Want to know more about this special mitzvah? Click here.

Also below, the livestream schedule for the rest of the Yarchei Kallah. Today, Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovitz and Rabbi Abba Brudny.

All livestreams are broadcasting at

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

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