Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Fwd: News From Agudah 11 Adar 1 5784, February 20, 2024

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From: The Agudah <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2024, 4:31 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 11 Adar 1 5784, February 20, 2024
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

February 20, 2024 - 11 Adar 1 5784

In today's News from Agudah: Billboards! Yes, Agudah's KnowUs division has put up billboards across Manhattan - see below for why; watch the Yarchei Kallah live, together with the participants in Yerushalayim, tomorrow morning; re-stream starts tonight at 6:00 pm EST; recordings of all the shiurim and divrei chizuk also available below; and spotlight on Yahalom.

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Telling Its Own Story: KnowUs Billboard Campaign Celebrates Jewish Education

Not content to have others tell their story, KnowUs, a project of Agudath Israel of America, has erected large billboards across the Manhattan skyline. The billboards, depicting a yarmulke-wearing teen and the words "Our boys will not be educated to hate America," celebrate how American Orthodox Jewish children are taught to be upright, peaceful, and patriotic to their country.

Click here or see below to read more

Watch: Why is the Agudah putting up billboards?

Click here.

Agudah Yarchei Kallah: Watch Live!

For up to date recordings of the Yarchei Kallah shiurim, divrei chiuzuk, and more, click here.


Yahalom is Agudah's resource and referral center for families with children with special needs, offering valuable assistance in obtaining essential support. Yahalom provides expert guidance, education, and empowerment to help parents and families secure the necessary resources, whether through government programs, charitable organizations, or emotional support.

Mazel Tov! It's a girl! Avraham* and his wife were overjoyed at the birth of their oldest child; but their joy was soon overshadowed. Shira* was born severely disabled and medically frail, with a rare genetic disorder. Shira's disease keeps her parents rushing her back and forth to the hospital.

Frantic with worry about their new baby, Avraham and his wife called Yahalom, desperate for any shred of security they could grasp and any knowledge that could help their poor, sick daughter. From that first phone call until today, almost three years later, Avraham has attended every single Yahalom men's event. In a phone call to Mrs. Chana Laniado, director of YahalomNJ, he explained why:

"I've heard incredible rabbonim talk about the wonders of a child with special needs; I've heard parents share how their child with special needs has blessed their whole family; and I now have the incredible gift of understanding the correct perspective on having such a child. It's not always easy, but I now have the tools to accept and embrace my beautiful daughter with all her challenges – exactly the way she is."

The ability to come home from appointment after appointment, struggle after struggle, with the menuchas hanefesh of the Torah perspective on having a very sick child is a gift not every parent is blessed with. But thanks to Yahalom, Avraham has a clear hashkafah of his daughter and her special neshamah.

"Yahalom has given my wife and I the understanding to see how our daughter is building up our whole young family in ways we could have never imagined. It not only guided us, but it helped our parents and those around us also become uplifted through our daughter and her challenges."

To connect with a Yahalom office:

Florida: Mrs. Tzippy Richmond, trichmond@agudah.org

Illinois: Mrs. Fiona Kark, fkark@agudahil.org

Maryland: Mrs. Meira Burkom, yahalom@agudahmd.org or mburkom@agudahmd.org

New Jersey: Mrs. Chana Laniadio, claniado@agudah.org

New York: Miss Tova Wacholder, twacholder@agudah.org or yahalomny@agudah.org

Telling Its Own Story: KnowUs Billboard Campaign Celebrates Jewish Education, continued:

"Before every bite they take, and from the moment they open their eyes, every Orthodox Jewish boy and girl is taught to express gratitude, constantly. No one will agree with everything their country does. But living in a country that stands for freedom, justice, and equality and protects the free exercise of religion begs that inculcated gratitude," said Mr. Avrohom Weinstock, Agudah's Chief of Staff and Director of KnowUs.

After publicly confronting protracted coverage by The New York Times which sought to portray Orthodox Jews as backward and benighted, and after what media and observers credit as denying The Times the Pulitzer Prize for this coverage, KnowUs is proactively sharing an authentic perspective about the Orthodox Jewish community and its education.

"That Orthodox Jews are, as a rule, eminently peaceful, upstanding citizens, speaks to the unique education they receive," said Rabbi David Zwiebel, Agudah's Executive Vice President. "In addition to the rigorous intellectual environment that yeshivas nurture, and the essential role they play in ensuring Jewish continuity, yeshivas' proven ability to raise generations of caring, patriotic human beings is something in which we take great pride, and indeed something other educational systems would do well to model."

"At a time when our cathedrals of higher education, especially the most elite, have devolved into bastions of anti-American and anti-Israel fueled confusion, yeshiva education stands in sharp relief," said Agudah Board of Trustee member, Mr. Chaskel Bennett. "Following the horrors of October 7th, American Orthodox Jews reacted to tragedy not with violent demonstrations, but with an outpouring of charity, prayer, and a tenacious resolve to support those in need. G-d bless America."

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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