Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Fwd: News From Agudah 5 Adar 1 5784, February 14, 2024

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From: The Agudah <>
Date: Wed, Feb 14, 2024, 5:00 PM
Subject: News From Agudah 5 Adar 1 5784, February 14, 2024
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February 14, 2024 - 5 Adar 1 5784

In today's News from Agudah: Take action on funding for Israel and for the Non-Profit Security Grant Program; YahalomNJ's brothers' event; a special visit from eighth graders; Agudah is hiring a paid intern in the Yeshiva Services division; and Mishna Rishona's special dedication today.

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Tell Your Representative to Pass Emergency Funding for Israel and for Security Grants!

Dear Agudah Activist: 

The Senate has now passed its supplemental national security package, which Includes $14 billion for aid to Israel to help them in the war against Hamas and $400 million for the Non-Profit Security Grant Program to help secure nonprofits at risk of violence. 

We now have to work hard to ensure that the House includes this funding in its supplemental bill and urge the House to choose the appropriate legislative approach to ensure swift passage.  

See below or click here to read more; click here to take action.

YahalomNJ First Ever Brothers' Event!

Last week, YahalomNJ hosted an event at SkyZone in Lakewood, New Jersey, for boys who have a sibling with special needs. The event was organized in response to a need expressed by many Yahalom parents of children with special needs: the impact of the child with special needs on their siblings.

Brothers of children with special needs were invited to SkyZone for an hour of jumping, climbing, and playing. The activity was followed by a pizza supper and dancing with volunteers in full costume.

See below or click here to read more.

Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (Breuer's) Visit to the Agudah Office

Last week, students from Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (Breuer's) visited the Agudah office to learn about the important work Agudah does for Klal Yisroel. Here are the eighth grade boys right before they left.

Let us know if you want to bring your class to the Agudah for a visit!

Seeking Paid Intern for Yeshiva Services Department

Agudath Israel's Department of Yeshiva Services is seeking a paid intern for several months with the potential to turn into a long-term position, starting immediately. If you are passionate about helping Klal Yisrael, supporting limud hatorah on a massive scale, and would like to gain valuable experience in a fast-paced dynamic environment, then please contact us before the opportunity is gone! Location will vary between Agudah executive office in Manhattan and either working remote or from Agudah satellite offices in Brooklyn and Lakewood. Compensation (annualized) $20-60k per year. Email your resume to

Mishna Rishona Dedication

Monday, Tuesday, and today's Mishna Rishona has been dedicated anonymously לזכות רפואה שלמה לכל חולי ישראל

To sponsor a day of Mishnayos, and have the z`chus of hundreds of children`s learning for a Yartzeit/Zechus, please click here or email

Tell Your Representative to Pass Emergency Funding for Israel and for Security Grants! continued:

Aid to Israel — As the war enters its fifth month, emergency security assistance to Israel is desperately needed. The aid – which includes critical defense systems — will help defeat the existential threat posed by Hamas, whose stated goal is to kill Jews and reject peaceful coexistence with Israel. And we have seen their heinous acts of barbarity that, they vow, will continue if they are not stopped and rooted out. It is necessary, with Hashem's help, to defeat these sworn enemies of both Israel and the United States, and of the values that they share. 

Federal Security Grants – The $400 million increase in the NSGP will help us protect our nonprofit institutions, which include our at-risk shuls, yeshivos, day schools and other charitable mosdos. For those of us in the Jewish community, this is particularly critical during a time when we have witnessed a skyrocketing of antisemitic incidents since October 7 – indeed, an increase of almost 400% over the same period last year. An increase in this funding will help save innocent lives. 

We urge you to contact your representatives — today — and call on them to support and pass this vital funding in the House supplemental. 

Click here to take action.

Thank you for your help! 

Rabbi Abba Cohen

Vice President for Government Affairs

Washington Director and counsel 

Rabbi Yossie Charner

Director of Congressional Relations 

YahalomNJ First Ever Brothers' Event! continued:

"My son was looking forward to this event for days," said one mother. "He kept telling his little sister with special needs, 'I get to go to SkyZone because of you! Thank you!' He always loved her, and this only increased his positive feelings towards his sister."

Agudah thanks the Misameach chessed organization for sending volunteers to dance with the boys.

"Having a sibling with special needs does impact the entire family in a very big way," said Mrs. Chana Laniado, director of YahalomNJ. "We wanted the boys to feel that they are also special, that they also deserve special attention – and the smiles on the boys' faces told us that they felt very special indeed."

Yahalom is Agudah's resource and referral department for families of children with special needs. Yahalom provides support to their families in a multitude of ways, including assisting parents with receiving government programs, connecting them with other organizations, or offering emotional support through events and activities.

To contact Mrs. Laniado at YahalomNJ, email or call 848.285.8444.

To reach another Yahalom office:

Florida: Mrs. Tzippy Richmond,, 305.532.2500 ext 2

Illinois: Mrs. Fiona Kark,, 773.279.8400 ext 266

Maryland: Mrs. Meira Burkom,, 667.430.0901

New York: Miss Tova Wacholder,, 212.747.8763

May Hashem heed our tefillos - and may we share besuros tovos.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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